A new site is born

Well folks, our new DRAMA site is up and running. Expect to see more and more features appearing as time passes. Soon we should have reports from our outreaches begin showing up in the “stories” link on the menu to the left. Also, we will be bringing the photo galleries from our old site over in due time. Keep checking back!

I’ll try to make posting here a regular thing as we move forward. This will be just one of the many ways to keep up with all that is going on in DRAMA. Thanks for dropping by.

In Him,

Discipleship the Mission of the Church

Director Timothy King, speaking at a leadership conference within our parent ministry – AIM Around the World.

Sermon title: “Discipleship – the Mission of the Church.”



DRAMA MinistryDRAMA Ministry is a Christian youth discipleship ministry that uses mime to portray the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thanks for visiting our site! The menu on the left-hand side of the page should guide you to most of the information you need. Be sure to check out the About section since it has several areas of content within it.

If you want more information about our ministry, please contact us via theĀ contact form.

Or Call:
(717) 951-2518 Timothy King, Director of Ministries
(717) 392-6431 Jewel Sensenig, Bookings/Outreach Coordinator
(717) 723-8336 Office phone