Alpha Reminders

Hey folks 🙂
Just here to remind you of two things!

#1. We have our Friends and Family Presentation TOMORROW night [November 24th]. We mimes must be there at 6pm, and the presentation starts at 7pm.  It will be at Faith E.C. Church. We’ll be miming Job and Keys to the Kingdom. Be sure to bring a sweet finger food to share [yes, Alex, that includes cookies.]


#2. We do NOT have practice this Monday. However, if y’all are free to hang out, you can do so at regular practice times at the KING’S house. If you end up wanting to stay for dinner, bring a bit of cash to help cover pizza if you can :). It should be a fun time!


Hope you guys have a great weekend and Thanksgiving 🙂



Alpha Outreach Reminder

Hello m’dears!

Here is your reminder of our presentation today!


It is at our practice church in Terre Hill 🙂

-When you are driving, it would be best to take 897 from Fivepointville, to avoid the parade going down mainstreet!

-Please arrive at 3:15pm, we will be finished around 6PM.

-Dresscode: Girl’s hair twisted, blacks, and yellow t-shirts. (we are presenting outdoors!)

-Song list: Awesome God, Guilty, Via, Betrayal, and End of the Beginning.


Be prepared!! (to quote Lion King and/or Hoodwinked.)

