Beta Prayer Requests 9/20/16

Here are the prayer requests for the week…

Alisha: Has been really tired recently. To be able to get used to her work schedule.

Emily S: Praise! Family friend who had a heart attack was moved out of the ICU and is doing really well. -Prayer for their family as things are kind of messy right now as they move their friend Maria out of their house.

Olivia: That she would be able to get to bed earlier. -Praise! Their grandpa is out of the hospital and feeling much better.

Emily W: That she would be able to have peace in the midst of questions about her future.

Maria: Praise! She is blessed to have Tony as a little brother. 🙂

Michael: That he wouldn’t get tired or grumpy over being busy.

Scotty: Praise! His job is going well. -Prayer that he would use his time wisely.

Hope you guys have a great week! 🙂

Beta Prayer Requests 9/13/16

Here are the prayer requests/praises from Tuesday!

Michael: That he would be able to sleep well. -Praise! Niece Addison Grace was born! (and she’s not 80lbs!) 🙂

Scotty: That he would take opportunities to encourage his co-workers. -Praise! Him, Jaybin, and Caleb had a good time in New Jersey this past weekend.

Emily W: That she would use her time wisely. -Praise! Addison!

Alisha: That she would prioritize her time well. Continue to get used to her job. -Praise! Addison! Also, work is going well.

Isaiah: Continued prayer for the struggles his girlfriend is going through. -Praise! Not failing any of his classes.

Maria: Praise! Hasn’t been depressed recently. For that to continue. -Praise! Her friend is doing better.

Olivia: That she would have motivation for school. -Praise! Co-op has been going well.

Emily S: Family friend had a heart attack. Praise that she’s doing better, but prayer for continued healing. -Praise! Co-op is going really well.

Everyone: Outreach coming up on Saturday.

That’s everything… See you all on Saturday!

Emily W

Beta Prayer Requests 8/30/16

Here are Beta’s prayer requests for the week! 🙂

Olivia: To have a good attitude about school.

Scotty: To be more thankful about work.

Mikey: To be able to get along with the guy he works with. Also, to get used to being a minion instead of a foreman.

Maria: Praise! School is going well so far.

Alisha: Praise! Her new job it going well. Prayer that it would continue to go well.

Emily W: To be able to have a good attitude and energy for work.

Isaiah: To know how to encourage and bless his girlfriend, Hannah, who is going through a hard time.

Emily S: Co-op is starting on Thursday; to have a good attitude about it.

Mrs. Weaver: That she would be able to know how to encourage and bless her friends who are struggling.

See you guys in two weeks!

Beta Announcements 5/17/16 :)

Here are the announcements for the week… 🙂

Beta Announcements 5/17/16 🙂

– This Saturday, May 21, is our Beta social! It is from 6-9pm at the Fellenbaum’s house. Supper will be provided. 🙂

-The End of Session party is Tuesday, May 24, from 5-9:30pm at the Hursh’s house (1860 Agape Ct. East Earl, PA 17519). Supper will be provided. Please make sure you bring the food item that you signed up for. 🙂

-DRAMA has worked with Children’s Vision International, based in Bogota, Colombia, for the past couple of years. Hygiene kits are being assembled to send to Colombia, and they are in need of these items: toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, nail clippers, and deodorant. If you would like to help out, you can buy any of these things and give them to Becky at the End of Session party next week. 🙂

Hannah… please notice that there in no discrimination among the smiley faces this time. 🙂

See you guys on Saturday (or Tuesday)! 🙂

Beta Announcements 5/10/16

Hey Beta! Here are this week’s announcements…

Beta Announcements 5/10/16

-This Saturday, May 14 is our outreach at Mount Zion United Methodist Church (105 N 11th St, Akron, PA 17501). We will be meeting there a 1pm and should be done by 3:45pm. Wear your gray shirts and black everything else. The song list is: Awesome God, Freedom, Love is a Cross, and Go. We will be wearing paint (so girls, your hair needs to be done). Mikey and Alisha invited us to go to a park afterwards for frisbee and ice cream, so feel free to take them up on that offer. 🙂

– May 21 is our Beta social! It is from 6-9pm at the Fellenbaum’s house. Salad and pizza will be provided. 😉

-The End of Session party is on May 24 from 5-9:30pm at the Hursh’s house (1860 Agape Ct. East Earl, PA 17519). Supper will be provided.

See you guys on Saturday! 🙂

Beta Announcements 5/3/16

Beta Announcements 5/3/16

-Thursday, May 5 is our next outreach! It is at Otterbein United Methodist Church (20 E Clay St, Lancaster, PA 17602) from 4:30-7:30pm. We will be meeting at the church. Supper will be provided. Wear your blue shirts and black everything else. The song list is: Awesome God, Freedom, Everything to Me, and Go.

-We will be having sleepovers in between these two outreaches. Girls at the Weavers’ house and guys at the Martins’ house.

-Friday, May 6 is our workday at Carlos and Migdalia’s. We are meeting at the Giant at 7:00am and should be back late evening sometime. Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Lunch and supper will be provided. If you have any gardening tools, feel free to bring them (please mark them).

-Saturday, May 14 is our outreach at Mount Zion United Methodist Church (105 N 11th St, Akron, PA 17501). It will be from about 1-3:45pm. Wear your gray shirts and black everything else. The song list is: Awesome God, Freedom, Love is a Cross, and Go. We will be wearing paint.

-Camp forms are still available!!! You all should have received an email with a link to the sign-up sheet. If you have not already done so, please fill these out as soon as possible!

-We are possibly having a Beta social on May 21 from 6-9pm. Good job guys! You all responded. 🙂 We will have more details coming soon…

See you all tomorrow! 🙂

Beta Announcements 4/19/16

Hey Beta! Here are your announcements for the week…

Beta Announcements 4/19/16

-Thursday, May 5 is our next outreach. It is at Otterbein United Methodist Church (20 E Clay St, Lancaster, PA 17602) from about 5-7:30pm. We will be meeting at the church. The song list is: Awesome God, Freedom, Everything to Me, and Go.

-We will be having sleepovers in between these two outreaches. Girls at the Weavers’ house and guys at the Martins’ house.

-Friday, May 6 is our workday at Carlos and Migdalia’s. We are meeting at the Giant at 7:00am and should be back late evening sometime. Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. 🙂

I think that is everything… see you guys next Tuesday!

Beta Announcements 4/12/16

Hey Beta! Here are our announcements from practice yesterday…

Beta Announcements 4/12/16

-Thursday, May 5 is our next outreach. It is at Otterbein United Methodist Church from about 5-7:30pm.

-We were thinking it would be fun to have sleepovers in between the May 5 and the May 6 outreaches, so please check to see if that would work for you. Girls let Selena know and guys let Jaybin know whether or not this works.

-The Carlos and Migdalia’s workday is officially moved to Friday, May 6! Please make sure to change that on your calendars.

-Next practice (April 19) is crazy hair day! 🙂

Have a great week! 🙂

Beta Announcements 4/5/16

Beta Announcements 4/5/16

-The DRAMA banquet is tomorrow (April 7)! It will be held at the Weaver’s Banquet Facility (2610 North Reading Rd, Denver, PA 17517) at 6:00pm. Please plan to arrive at 5:00pm, wearing your presentation clothes, which will be the blue shirts and black pants, socks, and shoes. We will be presenting Alive. If you so desire, you can bring fancier clothes to change into after we present.

-We will let you know what is happening with the Carlos and Migdalia’s workday soon.

-Summer camp sign ups are coming soon! Just a heads up: all three camps are in June.

-Two practices from now (April 19) is crazy hair day!!! 🙂

See you all tomorrow! 🙂

Beta Announcements 3/29/16

Here are the announcements from practice…

Beta Announcements 3/29/16

-We will be doing the outreach on May 14, so please put that on your calendars! It will be in the afternoon, probably from 2:00-4:00ish. More details to come.

-The videoing this Saturday will not be happening, so you can take that off your calendars.

-Saturday, May 7 is our all-day workday at Carlos and Migdalia’s. We would still like to change the date. Friday, May 13 did not work for everyone so we would like you guys to check Friday, May 6. Please let Rachael know whether or not this works for you by this Saturday, April 2.

-We have decided not to change practice times. Practice will stay from 6:00-8:30pm. 🙂

-The DRAMA banquet is next week (Thursday, April 7)! It will be held at the Weaver’s Banquet Facility (2610 North Reading Rd, Denver, PA 17517) at 6:00pm. Members (and leaders) please plan on getting there at 5:00pm.

Have a great week! 🙂