Beta Outreach: A Day at Joshua’s Hands

We honestly had a blast. It was cold, windy, we couldn’t talk, and our noses were runny; but, we had fun.

Beta hit the road early on October 11th and headed to Virginia to Joshua’s Hands, a fall festival for the community.  We slapped on some mime paint and performed at three different times throughout the day. Between performances, the team split up and did some ‘stroll miming’, which was new for most of us. We were all able to interact with the kids and teens there and had the awesome opportunity of running some of the game stations in the afternoon.

The crowds were definitely getting bigger throughout the day, and it obvious that some were moved by the gospel message. Praise God! Our ADs and Director did a fantastic job speaking and transitioning the audience between songs, explaining the story line of each mime so that they could easily follow along. We wrapped the day up by stopping at Wendy’s (still in mime paint), scaring a few customers (there was an incident that caused an older lady to scream), and debriefing. But overall, it was a fantastic day and we had a blast.

Thank you, Lord, for another opportunity to share the gospel!


A Workday of the Best Kind

On October 4th, both Alpha and Beta teams had the chance to head up to Northern Pennsylvania to spend a day working at God’s Clear View Ministries. Led by Carlos and Migdalia DeJesus, this ministry has served the community for several years by providing people with clothes, meals, and spiritual discipleship.

We spent the day in groups: one was outside burning trash and doing lawn work, another was in the basement packing and cleaning items to sell, another mopped and swept floors, etc. Truly it was a blessing to be there and to see what a gift the DeJesus are to their community.

To God be the glory!




First Beta Outreach: Belleville Mennonite School

On September 26th, Team Beta had the terrific opportunity to visit the middle and high school students of Belleville Mennonite School.

We got there fairly early with little traffic, and set up to practice our songs. The kids started arriving and we performed three songs (There is A God, Healing Begins, End of the Beginning)  Then, Tim shared a short devotional from 1 Timothy 4:12. He encouraged the students as youth to step out and be examples for the rest of Christ’s body, as the scripture says. Next, the team split up and we sat in different groups of kids to have discussion about that specific scripture. While some groups were a little more talkative than others, we still had fun. 🙂

After that, the kids broke up into what they called ‘care groups’. A few care groups would come in at a time, and we would ask them questions about how they could change their school for Christ. Tim posed questions like: If Jesus walked into your school, what would He like or dislike? What talents, abilities, and gifts do you have that you could use for God’s glory at school? The kids had fabulous answers and we were able to spark some ideas for them to build upon. It was extremely exciting.

It was a full but very fun day. To God be the glory!


P.S. Check out some of these pics from the outreach!

OutreachOutreach 2 (1)Outreach 4Outreach 3Outreach 5

DRAMA at Camp

Eder 2, July 2014

Hello Friends,
DRAMA is again at camp. This week and the next we’re partnering with Woodcrest Retreat. We’ve been partnering with them every summer since 2002. We’re thrilled to be back with them teaching Bible lessons. Pray for our team as many of them have been at multiple camp ministries this summer. Below is a video of our time at Camp Eder two weeks ago. If you are reading this by e-mail and don’t see the video (or didn’t see them on the last e-mail), click this link to see them on our website: DRAMAministry Blog

Summer Camps update!

DRAMA is in the midst of it’s usual non-stop flow of fun at summer camps, but we wanted to take a moment to give you an update on all that has been going so far this summer.

This year we have spent three weeks at Camp Arrowhead. The first two weeks were spent as service staff working behind the scenes of camp operation, and the other week was spent as Bible staff and counselors simultaneously. We also spent a week in June and a week in July at Camp Eder leading their Bible times and building relationships with the campers there. It is as much a blessing to be able to serve the Lord in work projects as it is to be able to build meaningful relationships with campers while doing the things we love! What better context to draw hearts to the Lord.

Currently we’ve just returned from spending a few days running a VBS with God’s Clear View Ministries in Philipsburg, PA with our friends Carlos & Migdalia, and still to come are two weeks at Woodcrest Retreat and one week in Mifflinburg, PA serving at Buffalo Valley Church of the Brethren.

Here are a few videos from the camps we’ve been at so far!

– Jessica King on behalf of DRAMA Ministry

Salem United Methodist Outreach

Team Alpha had an outreach at Salem United Methodist Church in Shoemakersville.  We met at TerreHillBibleFellowshipChurch and practiced there, then all hopped into the van.  We were all so excited because it was like an hour away and everyone loves van rides.  They are a good time to bond and have fun.  We did 6 mimes and we really had to rely on God because we did not have as much time to practice as we would have liked.  Tim and Mikey spoke and they did an amazing job!  We were going to put mime paint on but we did not have time so we just wore gloves.  This gave us an opportunity to talk and fellowship with the people who came.  On the way back we shared lots of laughs.  All in all it went very well! Praise the Lord!


Stumptown Mennonite Outreach

Alpha’s third outreach for this session was at Stumptown Mennonite Church.  We all drove separately to the outreach.   This church is where past AD, Jen Denlinger goes.  We got to the church at 8:00 and practiced.  We were also offered coffee and all of us were so excited. We did not wear paint or gloves for this outreach.   We had lots of extra time, during the Sunday school hour, so we had a prayer time and played the game, Signs.  When it was our turn to go on stage, we did three mimes.  Alex High and Jen Denlinger spoke and did a great job. Then we stayed for the service and the visitor’s meal afterward.   A neat thing, during the service, was one of the men, from the church got up and shared that their Sunday school class was going through the book of Job.  We did a mime about Job’s life.  He said we really brought the story to life.   All in all it went well!  Praise the Lord!


Lititz Area Mennonite School Outreach

We met at Terre Hill, the church we have practice at, to put on paint. (The guys were proud of themselves for finishing before the girls.)
Courtney and Alexis met us at the outreach, and once they had their paint on we had time to practice one mime. Shirah did a great job introducing us. We performed Job, In the Light, Healing Begins and Go. Tim spoke between a couple of the mimes. After the outreach we headed back to Terre Hill for most of us to take off paint.
Lititz Area Mennonite School 1  LAMS 010.small LAMS 016.small LAMS 020.smallLititz Area Mennonite School

Back to the Snow

Back to the SnowWell Friends, we made it home. These last few days we wrapped up as many projects as we could. The CVII office is painted and tiled and ready to be moved back into. The girls house has a new room ready with fresh paint and a whole new tile floor put in. 100’s of shirts were screen printed and uniforms fitted so that the kids could wear them to school, all this in addition to hours in the warehouse sorting supplies to be used at the home or in humanitarian work. Our last day in Bogota, we got to do a joint DRAMA presentation with the local team celebrating Valentines Day and talking about the love of God as seen in Christ. Thank you for your many prayers. As you can see in the picture above, we were greeted home by many inches of snow, but despite the weather our flights were all on time and our drive home was safe and uneventful.

If you are reading this by e-mail and missed our earlier posts, you can read them all here:

You can learn more about Children’s Vision and their work in Colombia here: While we have returned home, they are still serving and have many needs. From their daily needs in housing and schooling street children to the ongoing building projects (currently at a standstill due to funding), to the maintenance of their medical facilities, there is no end to the need for support. If you’d like to help out, they have a page on their site for giving:

Enjoy our final batch of photos:

God Bless!

Pancakes & Praises

Pancakes and Praises

Hello Friends,

Just checking in to say we’re doing well. Been pretty busy the past few days between work projects and training. The local team is doing great in our practices – they have picked on some more complicated routines faster than was expected. Thank you for your prayers! Today we went to church the children from the home and took them out to eat for a special meal together. Needless to say, it was a lot of fun for everyone. Then tonight was pancake night where we served the kids all the pancakes they could eat. Tomorrow (Monday) we’re back to the work and teach schedule. Just three more days!

God Bless!

Ways to pray:
– energy to hold out through the days the remain
– good attitudes even when we are tired (team has been exceptional, in my opinion, so far)
– that we would leave the local team well equipped for a big ministry event they will travel to at the end of the month
– that we could finish several of the work projects that we’re helping with since we are the last team coming until June