Current Session Details

Hey DRAMA Families! You will find all of the information you need to participate in DRAMA this Fall below. We apologize for the delay in this session letter getting out. 

The older team, Alpha, will be Directed this Spring by Christopher (Chris) & Jaimee King as well as Evan Zimmerman. If you have any questions please contact us. Chris – (717)808-8277 and Jaimee – (201)580-0051, Evan Zimmerman email is (484)335-8387.

Parent Meetings: Instead of hosting parent meetings this Spring, we decided to have the parent meeting following the Training Camp Sunday meal. It is very important that parents read and respond promptly to this letter, as it will include important information like the Training Camp meal sign up and dates for potential outreaches. Here is the meal sign up sheet. Please sign up by March 3. If a member is 18 or older, they may participate in the session independently from their parents by following our Older Member Policy on the website.

Training Camp: Friday, March 7 (8:30 am) – Sunday, March 9 (7:30 pm), at 225 Woodcrest Dr, Ephrata, PA 17522. This Training Camp we are adding a family potluck for Sunday supper at 5:30 pm. All families of current members are invited to come for supper and bring a dish to share. After supper, we will have a short wrap up time, after which you and your youth are free to go.

Session Duration: Training Camp. We plan to have one team again this session, and will meet at the DRAMA Office (131 Terrace Ave, Ephrata).

-Alpha will be meeting on Monday evenings, 6:30-9:00 pm.

Booked Outreaches: Every member is required to attend our pre-booked outreaches listed below. Times given might change, but only slightly. If there are any conflicts, please talk to your director before sending in your application! Any more outreaches that are confirmed will be shared via email or at practice.

Alpha: – March 20, 2025, at 2:30-3pm at Petra Student Life Center on Airport Rd., New Holland. New Holland Release Time.

Alpha: – March 30, 2025, at 9:30-10:15am at River of Life Ministries 541 W. 28th Division highway Lititz.

Alpha: – April 2, 2025, at Crossroads Community Homeschool details TBD likely a morning outreach.

Alpha: – May 2, 2025, at 6-7pm at First Friday in Downtown Lancaster details TBD.

Alpha: – May 14, 2025, at 8:25-9:10 Lititz Area Mennonite School at 1050 East Newport rd., Lititz, PA.

To Apply for Alpha:

  •  Fill out your application on the website (Here) by February 21. For those who are 18 or older please fill out this Here
  •  Send your $60 session fee (made out to DRAMA Ministry) and completed and notarized Release of Liability form (on the website documents page) to our NEW DRAMA alumna contact Jen Denlinger at 262 A Belmont Rd, Gordonville, PA 17529. If the session fee creates financial difficulty, please contact Chris (717)808-8277 as there are scholarships available.

Sprouts: Here are the details for Sprouts (youth ages 8 to 12):

Plans for Sprouts are still up in the air, if you’d like to be kept in the loop, please email Tim King at