Beta Outreach at Bowmansville TNT

Team Beta’s first outreach of the session was on Friday, March 15th, 2013, at Bowmansville TNT (a youth ministry). We met and drove together, and the van ride there was, as usual, full of laughter and fun jokes.
We arrived in good time and began practicing the songs we were going to present. We were able to run through each of them once, and some of them more than once, depending on how much practice we needed. One of our members wasn’t able to be there, but thankfully our Assistant Director knew all of his parts, so she filled in for him.
Then the kids arrived and we started our presentation. Our three songs went well, as did Tim’s speaking! Our sound system had been acting up a little bit during practice, but thankfully it was fine for the presentation.
When we were done, we headed downstairs with the kids. We hung out with them and played games for about half an hour before piling back into the van to head home.
Overall, it was a great first outreach for the session! We had great team time to and from the outreach, an awesome time hanging out with the kids, and are grateful that God gave us this opportunity!

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