Alpha Prayer Requests/Praises 10/14/13

Heyyo Alphians! Remember to pray for your teammates this week!

Amy: Had a good weekend with her family and the Weavers at the cabin!

Attitude with parents and not feeling like she can talk to them

Got a chance to apply the Bible study last week by talking to a girl she hadn’t gotten to talk to before. Turns out she has stuff in common with her!

Pray she’ll be intentional in talking to and being with her family

Brooke: Keeping up with school and co-op homework

It didn’t rain for the Bias Birthday Bash! Had a really good time and got to catch up with some people!

Devos have been going really well recently!

Needs to find time to process life

Katie: Got blood test results back and they weren’t good. Went for a test this Tuesday (results?) Pray for peace!

Clarissa: Needs to work heart issues (spiritually), seeking out God. And a lot of time spent in prayer

Finding her place at her church and being committed to it, or changing churches?

Tim: Scotland sharing time went well

Relationship with Angelica will continue to grow/wisdom with that

Won’t neglect the little things he has to do

He got another support donor!

Checking out a group of pastors that can invest in his life

Chris: Beta’s outreach/speaking at it

Managing his time well with all the little things in life

Dealing with an emptier house

Gideon: Research paper

Alex: Different church issues going on right now

Has a friend that has a lot going on in his life right now. Pray for wisdom on what to say

Jade: Struggling to remember to brush her teeth. Especially when she get s a retainer.

Wants a puppy, but can’t afford one

Becky: Bible study on Monday

Was reminded this past weekend at the cabin about how faithful God is! Gave her a huge dose of peace and had a more positive outlook on things.

Will be more disciplined with devos

Hannah: Returning home today and needed faith for all of the hard situations there

Kap (Sam Hughes): “So the camp went great. I got to teach 7 classes on how to study the Bible and we got to work through 5 different passages. I felt that God worked through me to teach and in everyone in some way.”

Outreach on Saturday


Have a great rest of the week, ya’ll!

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