Beta Prayer Requests 3/10/15

Alisha & Emily: For their family as they prepare to leave for Guatemala on vacation. Also for the trip itself, that it would be good family time. Health and safety. And to be an encouragement to the family that lives down there.

Alisha: To take the time away to be praying for her normal life and routine, and not to just use it as an escape.

Caleb: Frustrated with his program. ~ Praise! He had a fever after Training Camp, but he’s feeling better now.

Hannah: For a servant’s heart as their family is helping their grandparents get moved in. ~ Fell behind in Latin and she doesn’t really enjoy it, so that she would be able to work hard on it and not complain.

Connor: Not getting much school done due to busyness in helping their grandparents. That he would be able to get it done.

Jesse: Two weeks behind in his writing class, to be able to get done what he needs to.

Trent: Looking for a new job. ~ To be able to apply what he learned at Training Camp. Be able to get out of his comfort zone.

Scott: His hours picked up at work; that he would now have more energy and focus to get his school done.

Rachael: Has been getting worn out and letting things slip. That she would have the motivation and time to get things done.

Mikey: Struggles to care about people, sometimes he doesn’t care and just let’s it go. Prayer for him as he works on that.

Jaybin: School, that he would be able to get it done earlier in the day, which would then give him more time to apply his application.

Selena: School as she is still catching up in her co-op classes from Training Camp. And to be able balance her school and time spent with her family.

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