- Prayer:
- Jade- Allergies
- Liana- orthodontist consultation: April 29
- Jade- recital for co-op
- Jade- recitation night at church: this Thursday
- Alpha Leadership- leadership retreat: sad that she can’t go because of choir
- Amy- her car is being weird (ha Amy I actually wrote it)
- Liana- preparing for bible study in two weeks (she is going to do great)
- Hannah- friend is getting married and she’s feeling awfully single
- Hannah- relationship with Mom
- Hannah- Sleep!
- Hannah- scheduling her life
- Brooke- lots of co-op homework to do this week (amen sista)
- Tim- disciplining people into leadership at his churches
- Tim-finalizing summer schedule
- Alex- scheduling with work this spring and managing time
- Becky- as her car was totaled: Pray that she could find a new one
- Aaron- Lots of papers to do and feels exhausted: pray that he does not fall asleep while driving
- Mic- prayer for his ambulance shifts
- Aaron- prayer for last bit of fundraising
- Aaron- a lot on mind to process and not much time to do so
- Praises:
- Amy- training went well for job!
- Alexis- Courtney got license!
- Liana and Jade- Sleepover!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 (I cant wait! We are going to have so much fun!)
- Hannah- got to hang out with Racheal Graves this weekend!
- Briana- got to make a cake for her mom for her birthday on Saturday!
- Briana- jr. youth is helping with a service project on Wednesday!
- Brooke- it is the last week of co-op! (Brooke how could you make that a praise! 🙁 I think I am the only one who is sad about it ending)
- Brooke- had a good weekend!
- Tim- he met with his Greek Orthodox guys again!
- Alex- had a great time at the cabin with his youth group guys!
- Becky- that she has a peace about work and all that is going on
- Alpha- Banquet went well! (good job everyone!)
- Aaron- arrowhead went well!
- Aaron- had enough school payment!
- Gideon- only one month of school left!!! (yes!!)
Thanks for writing legibly 🙂 ~Jaders