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- Praises:
- Jade- She gets to go on a date tonight!! (with Shelley 🙂 )
- Alexis- that Courtney and her did not get in an accident!
- Jade- got to talk to brother on my birthday; which have not done in a while
- Amy- she got enough money to go on her choir missions trip! ( yippee!)
- Prayers:
- Carlos and Migdalias workday
- Becky- her attitude on Saturday because she cant go to the workday (we will desperately miss you!) 🙁
- Alex- being able to witness to Mrs. B
- Beta and Sprouts have outreaches this week
- Becky- her family is going through a hard time
- Blue ball church- unity
- Amy- does not know what to do in the fall
- Alex- family to be unified even when it is close to the wedding (just to clarify it is Adam and Kate’s wedding!)
- Tim- that he would be able to stay ahead of schedule
- Alexis- wisdom in knowing if she should get a steer
- Tim- has his conference; he is going to become a licensed pastor! (congrats, that is kind of freaky! 😉 )
- Space for the Christ House
- Liana- working at the creamery and feeling overwhelmed
- Jeremy and Summer as Jeremy had to be taken to the hospital for maybe Meningitis, and for Summer not to get too stressed and sick!!