Everyone: Camps this summer.
Mikey: To be able to improve his language (not to swear so much).
Connor: Has to teach a duct tape project at his church. -To remember to do his devos. -Needs to find a job this summer.
Jaybin: To remember to do his devos. -Praise! Has a lot of opportunities to work.
Caleb: Went up a few grade levels in schoolwork. -To be able to find a job this summer.
Scott: To remember to do devos. -Praise! Work has been going well.
Jesse: Remember to do devos.
Emily: Finishing up school this week. -For the Sprouts outreach Thursday evening. -That she would be able to figure out/have peace about her summer plans.
Rachael: Praise! Her evaluations are next week instead of this week like she thought. That she will be diligent in doing the stuff she needs to get done for that. -Praise! Research paper is almost done! -In her Algebra 2 class, that she would have the time to work on it, a good attitude, and diligence.
Hannah: Very behind in school; a week behind in all of her subjects. To be diligent in working on them. -She is also working more on top of all her school. It’s a very busy week! -Praise! Had a very successful time at the convention last weekend.
Selena: She and her family have a busy week. -She has to work on putting her portfolio together.