- Prayer:
- Everyone- devos!
- Aaron- does not know how summer is going to go
- Mikey- scripture memory is lacking (Yep know what you mean)
- Caleb- allergies at camps (amen brother!)
- Everyone- camps
- Gideon- first summer of camps
- Trent, Amy, Brooke, Jaybin, Scotty- being more intentional by spending more time w/ family and friends
- Aaron- learn how to better schedule
- Mic- doing all the camps (lucky you!)
- Hannah L.- knowing how much she should commit herself to
- Racheal- for her to be more productive
- Hannah L.- her truck is acting weird (again! 😉 )
- Becky- that she would not get discouraged this summer
- Hannah F. and Connor- taking SATs (have a blast! He He! 🙂 )
- Caleb- lazy in Pre- Algebra (ugh Math!! I know how you feel!)
- Amy- Adam and Kate’s wedding! (awhh!)
- Alisha- youth group missions trip
- Alexis- dad is changing jobs
- Brooke- church moves into a new building
- Alexis- get a job
- Jesse- pastor is on sabbatical ( I am so glad for spell check I would have no idea how to spell sabbatical! 🙂 )
- Jade- I start my job on Monday (with my three little princesses and my two little princes! Oh how I love them so!)
- Selena- hang out with siblings more
- Emily- get more hours in work
- For all that need to still get school done (accuracy and motivation)
- Praises:
- Jade- I start my job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I just might be a tad bit excited! 🙂 🙂 )
- Brooke- church is moving to new building!
- BECKY and TRENT are GRADUATED! (You both did so well! Your voice is beautiful Katie, I mean Becky! 🙂 )
I am soooo… sorry everyone, I totally forgot about the prayer and praises! Shows how responsible I am! 🙁 So sorry! Hopefully I got everything! Thanks for understanding! -Jaders