The Journey

Hello friends,

As I type this, we’re sitting in Dublin Airport waiting for our flight back home to Pennsylvania. The last few days have been a blend of outreach and fellowship, service and rest.

The weather on Wednesday was perfect and allowed us a wonderful time presenting on the street in St. Andrews. One of our friends estimated that about 40 people would walk past in the space of one song and about 20 would linger to watch. We presented somewhere around 20 to 22 songs on the street, sharing the message of grace found in Jesus. Later that evening we led a workshop with our friends at St. Margaret’s Church. We had met Eileen Miller on our last trip and this time we came to partner in ministry with her church. The youth and adults that came were enthusiastic and received the most comprehensive training of our trip.  May God bless and nurture the many seeds planted.

Thursday, we took the train to Edinburgh and visited various sites and shops. We enjoyed an amusing time at The Camera Obscura, meal next to John Knox’s house and a wander through St. Giles Cathedral among other things.  After a full schedule for most of the trip, it was great to get some down time as a team.  Friday was similar, hiking with one of DRAMA’s honorary grandpa’s, Sandy Mutch, followed by a final team time and time with the partnered ministers whose churches sponsored our visit. It was a great time reflecting on all that we had seen God do over the past two weeks.

Early this morning we said our final good-bye’s. Shortly we’ll be returned to you all bearing in our hearts more stories than our weary bodies will likely be able to convey and leaving behind a land that is now a second home to many. DRAMA’s 9 year partnership with the churches in the UK has not merely been a cause to be served, but a deep friendship with our brothers and sisters in the family of God. May God bless and strengthen His children near and far. We are thankful to glimpse another part of that beautiful and vast body of Christ.

For Him,

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