Here are our prayer requests from yesterday…
Michael: Prayer as they prepare to do worship this Sunday. First time leading.
Alisha: Has been coming down with a cold. Healing, especially as she has a busy week.
Maria: Has been getting headaches a lot; that they would go away.
Emily S: They’ve been having a rough time with Maria. That things would go as smoothly as possible as they try and find a place for her to move and deal with her in the meantime. -Praise! Her fast is over! 🙂
Emily W: Wisdom with figuring out hours for work.
Olivia: Motivation for schoolwork; that she would be able to use her time wisely.
Scotty: That he would use his time wisely. -Also, he is looking into getting his inspection license; wisdom for that.
Everyone: Workday on Saturday! 🙂
That should be all of them! Please be remembering these requests and be praying for your teammates this week! See you guys bright and early on Saturday!