A few of Beta’s outreaches (Fall 2019)

On September 28th, team Beta had an all-day outreach/workday at God’s Clear View Ministries. We were split into three groups.  One group sorted holiday decorations, one sorted clothes in the Blessing shop, and one worked on clearing all the stuff that was piled on the stage.  When we arrived, we were surprised to see some new and exciting changes.  The new staff had expanded the food pantry, as well as making it accessible online.  Other changes included renovations to the kitchen to accommodate a soup kitchen, the wall between the two parts of the Blessing shop torn down, and all the boxes from the basement removed and taken upstairs (and put on the stage).  It was amazing to see all the new changes taking place and the way God is continuing to use the ministry.

On October 5th, Beta had an all-day outreach at a fall festival for Joshua’s Hands ministry in Virginia.  When we arrived, the leaders realized we were really low on face paint.  So, we didn’t have to put on mime paint.  Yeah!  No scraping your face to take the paint off, plus no paint in your hair or eyebrows.  We gave two different presentations.  We stroll mimed for a little bit in between the presentations.  After our last performance, we helped run games.  Since we weren’t wearing paint, it was nice being able to talk to the kids and give instructions for the games.  The outreach might not have gone as planned, but the gospel was still shared, so it was a success.

On October 16th, Beta had a morning outreach at Lititz Area Mennonite School.  We presented for their morning chapel time. We wore mime paint.  It was two of the members first time wearing mime paint, which they were thrilled about.  Tim King came and spoke for the outreach. We enjoyed being able to come back and present for the kids again.

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