Announcements 5/19

The only announcement on Tuesday was that there were no announcements. SO… I decided to post all the hashtags we came up with this session and their origins:

#fabulous: this was on the board at training camp before I got there; so if you want to know, talk to someone who was there before me, which was most everybody

#itsbetterw/twizzlers: this one came from me wanting to put something on the announcements to add some flare

#likeaboss: somebody on my soccer team had a really cool shirt with this on…

#boo-yah: my first thought when I found we were wearing paint to Reading 🙂

#dontbeanidiot: this came from Mikey and Jesse during one of our Bible studies

#paint: self-explanatory. Paint is boss

#sweetlips: Jaybin and Mikey

#hashtag: I don’t know… It was just something cool to put down

DRAMA Banquet

As most of you know, DRAMA had its annual banquet at Weaver’s Market on April 16. Both Alpha and Beta were performing throughout the night.

Amazingly, all of team Beta arrived just in time to practice “Go”.  Even though there were some difficulties, we were all got there safely.

We started off with a word of prayer and then some awesome food.  After the welcome, team Alpha presented “You Were There”. You guys did amazing.

Next, Mrs. Martin shared about her experience with DRAMA. Then we watched a video created by Nick Weaver. After the video, Alex High spoke. I just have to say, I loved that speech. After a little worship, team Beta presented “Go”. Finally, Tim gave everyone a talk on how DRAMA is.

For me personally, I really enjoyed watching team Alpha present “You Were There”. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I was really moved. Over all I think everyone was blessed in one way or another.


Jesse Fellenbaum
Banquet and Maggie 006

Christ the King Outreach

On April 3, which was Good Friday, team Beta had an outreach at Christ the King Community Church. We arrived at five thirty. We presented four mime songs. Around a hundred people were there.

Good Friday & Easter 049

Good Friday & Easter 037 


Many people said that they were very encouraged. I was also able to talk to a lot of people, who were moved through our mimes. In the end we gave the outreach back to God. Thanks to God, we had an excellent  outreach.

In Christ,

Jesse Fellenbaum

Announcements 5/5

5/10 Newville: meet @ Giant center @ 7:15 am. We will be back between 1 and 1:30. Maroon shirts, black pants, etc. No paint :(, but girls make sure hair is pulled back. Song list: Awesome God, Healing, Go

5/12 after practice: be back @ 7:30. Oakleaf dishwasher water shirts, blue jeans. Song list: Unstoppable, Freedom, Healing

5/16 Carlos and Migdalia






Announcements 3/31

4/3 CTK from 5:30-10:00 pm, maroon shirts, black pants, black socks, hair for girls and Jaybin

4/8 Woodcrest from 9:00-3:00, bring a packed lunch

4/16 banquet from 5:30-9:00 pm, registration ends 4/1

4/29 LAMS from 7:30-9:45 pm


5/16 Carlos and Migdalia




Announcements 3/24

4/3-CTK @ 6:00-10:00 pm, maroon shirts, black pants, black socks, the whole 9 yd.

4/8-Woodcrest @ 8:00-4:00 pm, bring a packed lunch

4/16-banquet @ 5:30-9:00 pm

4/29-LAMS @ 7:30-9:45 am

5/26-Carlos and Migdalia



Beta Apps 10/28

Guess what? THERE ARE NO APPS THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!:) (Maybe there were ones that I didn’t hear….) So unless you want to create one or continue an old one, you don’t have any. But Tim would probably want us to show some initiative and do an app anyway.

So….. peace out and everyone had better cheer for Houston on Sunday:)



Beta Applications: Oct. 21

Tim: Put Christ first instead of man’s wants and likes. Especially for his church planning paper (due at the end of October)

Trent: Learn to pray about whatever he worries about

Selena: Going to God in prayer when she gets stressed about her homework

Janelle: Stop blaming her actions on being a teenager

Jesse: Stop saying he has four more years until he graduates as an excuse for acting immature, when he should me mature now

Caleb: Put God at the head of his thoughts because he can let his mind wander

Rachael: Founding what she learns on the Bible; if she hears something, to look it up in the Bible

Kayla: Prioritize learning more worship songs and what kind of music she listens to

Alisha: Making decisions

Freakin Scotty: Take opportunities to talk about Christ with his coworkers

Hannah: Prioritize her schoolwork

Emily: Make sure she prays and seeks God every time she makes a decision this week

Ben: Find ways to connect with other believers

Connor: Try to involve Christ more in his interactions with his Christian friends

Mrs. Smoker: Pray about her decisions

God bless

P.S. Caleb, you cheated AGAIN!!!!!!! So much for winning back your manliness. I’m sure Jessica is proud