Beta Applications 5/3

Today is Sunday so I hope you have all done your applications. If you haven’t, well i don’t know. Just do it, okay. or them. Some of you (meaning Scott) had multiple applications and…

These are the people or places you were supposed to share the Gospel with or at this week:

Caleb: the basketball court (Lord knows they need it;P)

Tim: church basement group

Me, Myself and I, what a handsome group of guys (i know i’m wonderful): Thursday’s outreach

Jaybin: at the park

Jesse: Thusday’s outreach (what a wonderful idea, I wonder where he got it)

Scott: co-workers, initiate the conversation (ok ok ok, so he didn’t really have 2 applications. But i didn’t feel like changing what i said earlier)

Emily W: co-workers

Trent: co-workers

I’m noticing a theme here. You all work with pagans:o

Selena: Thursday’s outreach (what a wonderful…)

Travis Martin: family meeting (that is or was i guess not a tough one. I feel for you.)

These are the people who kind of diverted from the others (4 of these things are not like the others…)

Hannah: pray about DTS

Rachael: check out local missions opportunity (i guessing it’s local. i don’t really know, but i think it is. male intuition)

Emily S: not ignoring people

Kayla: help out at thingy





Beta Applications 4/26

You might wonder what the point of posting last week’s applications is. I am to.

Trent: talk to people about faith

Mikey: encourage virginia team

Rachel: encourage Justin

Jesse: encourage sarah, doing devotions

Connor: encourage friends

Hannah: praise God more

Scott: go deeper with people at church, praise God

Emily W. praise God more

Alisha: switch focus and be nice to Mikey


Beta Applications 4/19

I have nothing interesting to say, so here are the applications for this week.

Rachael: have faith that God will provide a home, pray when she gets worked up about it

Scott: have faith in work situation

Trent: have faith that God can use interactions with friends and family for God’s glory

Jesse: have faith that God will use him on the soccer field as a Christian witness

That  group apparently had applications about faith… good job, I guess? IDk

Emily W: not judge my co-workers this week, pray for them instead (judge them next week emily;P and google says I spelled your name wrong)

Tyler: be nice to his siblings, pray for them

Emily S: Beats herself up about stuff, try not to do that

Jaybin: Tends to judge some of the people at church, pray for them (google thinks your name is spelled wrong too)

That group had prayer applications, except for Emily S.

Terran: trusting God with his schoolwork that there is a purpose

Caleb: faith that God has a plan for his life, be in prayer and do devotions

Maria: faith that God would help her use her talents

Selena: not judging others based on outward appearance but look at their heart motives, be aware when “doing it” and pray

I’m not sure that there was a common theme here…

Hannah: trust God with future

Tim: has been disagreeable with another preacher (hey, I’m just writing what Hannah wrote down), be kinder to pastors (that sounds like a good life application;P)

Mrs. Smoker: trust God with raising teenagers

Yours Truly: trust God with college/career search






Beta Applications 4/12

I decided that I should probably post the applications before next practice…

Scott: help out at house more

Rachael: follow through on commitments and responsibilities

Chris Kelly: not be a selfish driver (don’t be that guy Chris!)

The devotions thinger:



The connect with family group of some sort:

Emily W.








Apparently our families need some attention… or needed since you all spent time with them this week;P

Shoutout to Rachael and Selina: they had TWO applications this week. I didn’t know you could do that. Actually, somebody probably told that at some point in my DRAMA career, but I forgot…


Beta Applications 4/5

Maria’s application question was about respecting the authorities in our lives. So here are your applications (This being Monday evening and all, I know you’ve all done your applications, right?):

Jesse: pray for a different authority in his life each day

Caleb: respect the government (way to shoot for the stars Caleb)

Me, Myself, and I, what a handsome group of guys: (disclaimer: to any parents reading this, it’s really not as bad as it sounds) respect my pastor

Jaybin: do algebra

People who want to only “semispeed”:


Emily W.

Members of the respect my parents (more than you already do, I’m sure) club:





The rest of you must not have applications…


Been awhile since I was in front of you. I figure I’ll stick to the cards this time. There has been speculation that I was involved in the events that occurred on the freeway and the rooftop. I know it’s confusing. It is one thing to question the official story and another thing entirely to make wild accusations or insinuate that I’m a superhero, because that would be outlandish and fantastic. I’m just not the superhero type. Clearly.

The truth is…


Beta Applications 3/29

I don’t remember what the application question was, but based on your applications I think it had something to do with God.

Rachael: surrender future church to God. pray about living (I guessing in a house, I only have living written down. I need to take better notes…)

Jesse: write a prayer about an individual character trait he wants to have

Mikey: sit quietly and listen to Alisha while she talks about wedding stuff. golden duct tape may be in order

Caleb: listen to Tim about banquet, which has already happened…

Maria: work on patience during school

This is the trust God with the general future Blackbird:

Hannah: write down a verse and carry it around

Emily: pray during devotions

Trust God with education Tricarrier:



Not of this World Batmobile:

Jaybin: don’t allow public schoolers to influence him at votech (did I spell that right cause google doesn’t think so). how to apply that this week is still in the works

Scott: don’t be influenced by the dudes (I think they’re dudes, don’t quote me on that though)  at work. I also had something written down about prayer




Beta Applications 3/22

Trent: wants to have mercy on annoying people at work

Jaybin: have mercy on in-laws (good luck with that one;P)

Mikey: have mercy on at reception planning

Scotty: cook dinner with a good attitude

Racheal: have mercy on parents with moving, job change, etc.

Hannah and Jesse are on the have mercy on grandparents Helicarrier

Selina and Yours Truly are on the have mercy on siblings during school Quinjet

Ben: have mercy on parents and Argentines (am I spelling that right?)


P.S. hopefully this doesn’t go to Facebook or something

Beta Praise and Prayer Request

Aaron: Praise  Hannah  Landis is back; Prayer two big school assignments

Caleb: Prayer School Trent to have safety

Connor: Prayer ability to catch up in school

Jaybin: Praise and Mom and sister had a great time visiting Lenita

Jesse: Prayer Matthew has a surgery, school

Mike: Praise insurance is going to pay for for knee,  he and Alisha are going to his house for Thanksgiving; Prayer safety for the journey to his family,

Scotty: Praise caught up in school; Prayer  going to work at Tire and Oil


Beta praise and prayer request

Aaron: Praise-finished a paper a week early; had a good weekend with friends: got off school the day of Dad’s surgery     Prayer- need to find a new car( the old one died) peace because he is looking at a busy couple of weeks: he won’t waste time with siblings.

Alisha: Prayer- for a refreshing weekend at the cabin (with family); wisdom in making decisions for the wedding (her and Michael seek to honor God in their decisions).

Alyssa: Prayer- conviction of wrong thinking; commitment to pursuing God (devotions/prayer); strength of faith in God’s love and nature; Briana; people back home are having struggles, clarity

Caleb: Praise- hunting season is going well                                         Prayer- diligence in his application

Connor: Praise- math is going well                                                          Prayer- diligence in his application; paper due on Friday

Emily S: Prayer- for her Bible study (it would get done right) peace about it

Emily W: Prayer- she has a busy  this week; diligence to be able to get everything that needs done and peace over it; Family is going to the cabin this weekend, that it would be a relaxing time: bible study is next week; that she would have time to work on it and the right attitude about it

Hannah:Prayer- PSAT ‘s tomorrow; she has two soccer games this week and wants to be a blessing to teammates and coach; that she would be a blessing to her mom ( all of the above- that she would not be anxious about them but trust in god) busy schedule;to still have time for God and family-and school

Jaybin: Prayer- school would continue to go well; very busy upcoming weeks

Jesse: Prayer- he would be able to get caught up in school; wisdom for mom( that she would know what to do about my grandparents); strength for my mom both physically and mentally

Kayla: Praise- all caught up in physics                                                   Prayer- wisdom for the spring schedule; back would continue to heal

Maria: Prayer- she would have a good time at the cabin this weekend

Michael: Prayer- safe trip and relaxing time at the cabin; to manage his schedule better; work would not stress himself out; Alisha and him would honor God in their decisions

Olivia: Prayer- to be able to finish all of her school that needs to be done in the time she needs it don; peace about it

Rachael: Praise-she got to talk to Ben for a hour and a  half           Prayer- peace for her group presentation on hypnosis on Friday; left wrist has been hurting a lot this past week; for a psych exam on Monday

Scotty: Praise- school has been going well                                           prayer-Scotland funds; for preparations of the trip; remember to pray& trust God more

Selena: Prayer- PSAT ‘s on Wednesday morning;peace during the test; Sunday a previous exchange student is coming to visit for the week(that they would have a good week with her despite not having seen her for four years

Trent: Praise- Scotland fundraising is done for him                           Prayer- for Christ House in helping the refuge family; Scotland team

Beta praise and prayer request

Aaron: Praise- his sister got into college.

Prayer that he doesn’t over commit himself to school.

Alisha: Praise  her best friend is getting married.

Praise- “Becky and Alex are officially dating”.

Alyssa: Prayer- get a strict schedule, and stronger self-motivation and get a job.

Caleb: Prayer for school to continue going well, wisdom for the Martin’s.

Connor: Prayer- school would continue going well.

Emily Weaver: Prayer- summer job is ending and needs wisdom to know what to do for fall and winter.

Hannah: Prayer- good attitude in chemistry and A.P. classes.

Jaybin: Praise- Lenita’s college is going well.

Prayer that school would continue going well.

Jesse: Prayer help to know how to balance school

Kayla: prayer- wisdom to know what to do about her back pain, and help to understand physics

Maria: Prayer- co-op is starting,  needs to work on being more social.

Rachael: Praise- Ben settled well in Argentina, and 1st art lesson which is the last thing to get started with in school.

Prayer- get caught up in, keep up with everything else.

Scott: Praise- got job at Firestone.

Selena: Prayer for chemistry and math

Prayer- not underestimate / procrastinate in school.

Trent: prayer for C.L.E.P. test and Moms sore throat.