Beta praise and prayer request

Alisha: Praise great weekend at conference; Prayer good attitude and patience at work, wisdom in making marriage decisions

Caleb: Praise relationship with dad is going better, dad found a job; Prayer for legs and take time to interact with dad

Emily S: Prayer diligence in school

Emily W: Praise Alisha and her were kept safe from car crashes; Prayer puppies will get sold

Hannah: Praise great weekend; Prayer busy week

Jaybin: Praise school is light; Prayer oldest sister and Mom are going to see Lenita

Jesse: Praise Connor is getting home; Prayer school

Kayla Praise feels better on diet; Prayer self-control on diet, physics

Maria: Prayer coop homework is overwheling

Mike: Praise was able to see Mr. Boland; Prayer medicare to cover the cost of knee

Olivia: Praise cold is better; Prayer be able to get caught up in school

Rachael: Prayer: energy until Thanksgiving break; brother David to find truth and light

Selena:  Prayer efficiency in school

Beta praise and prayer request

Alisha: Praise- wedding date is set. Prayer- Conference this weekend, Safety and good relationships with people from other lives Alpha(&Rachael) in Ohio

Caleb:Praise- He got a deer. Prayer- that the new medication would help

Emily S.:Praise- Graduated to another dance level( In Irish dance)
Emily W.: Prayer- Taking the SATs this Saturday, ability to prepare well and have a good attitude. Youth group is having a fundraiser on Saturday evening, Healing from cold
Jaybin: Prayer- he hurt his hip and has a cold
Jesse: Prayer- school
Kayla: Praise- Spring plans are coming together, and Dad got all his crops harvested Prayer- bible study is next week.
Maria: Prayer- She would have the motivation to get her school work done; she would make the right decision in finding a counselor
 Michael: Prayer- Speaking at a conference; bad knee problems & needs to figure out insurance
Olivia:  Praise- school is going well. Prayer- she doesn’t get more sick
Selena: Praise- School is going well this week.
Scotland Team

Beta praise and prayer request

Alisha: Praise- Wedding plans are coming together. Prayer-she would be intentional with the kids specifically with Ava.  She would extend grace to them and spend more time with them. she would not get sicker.

Hannah: Praise- quiz tournament went well, and there was safe travel. SAT scores came back. Got to see cousins and their kids.

Jesse Praise: quizzing went well. Prayer- school.

Mike: Prayer knee hurts and needs to see a doctor. Wisdom for wedding preparations.


Olivia : finished paper

Scott: Prayer-for the Scotland Team, and work does not take away from his ability to bless the people in Scotland.

Selena: Praise- the tree in her front yard turned colors after staying green for a long time. Prayer- make time for literature class on Thursday.

Trent: Prayer Scotland team