- praises:
- Tim- support is increasing!
- Tim- good services @ both churches!
- Jade- Eager’s came over and we had a blast w/ my cuties (the kids I am going to take care of from my church)!
- Jade- had a good date w/ Shelley!
- Gideon- Annie, Alyssa, and Moriah coming staying at Bias’s house!
- Jade- I finally decided what to do this summer! (Hallelujah, praise the lord, Amen)
- Alpha- workday went reaaallly well! (it was good to see beta again)
- Liana- telling her boss she was quitting went well!
- Liana- almost done paying off harp!
- Amy- evaluation is planned! (lucky!)
- Mickey- Beta’s session went really well!
- Brooke- Jeremy spencer (brother in law) is back from hospital!
- Brooke- family vacation went well! (we missed you!!!)
- Hannah- church was really encouraging for her!
- Alpha and Beta- summer camps!!!
- Prayers-
- Alex and Amy- their Grandma surgery today/ recovery for her heart
- Alex- pray that he would step up with devos (yep same for me bro!)
- Alex- pray that he would follow though w/ his app from today and keep a Christ-centered focus on everything he does
- Alex- has a crazy few weeks coming up till like the end of June
- Mikey- wisdom for visiting family; when to go; and how long he should stay
- Mikey- Beta is having an evening practice (oohh fun!)
- Amy- last day at Green dragon on Friday
- Liana- wisdom in knowing how much work she can handle at the creamery!
- Alpha and Beta- summer camps!!
- Becky- pray for her family as they go to the cabin this weekend that it will be a refreshing time together ( awhh have fun! go there for me!)
- Becky- that she would be able to finish school and by graduation in a week in a half! (cant wait)!
- Hannah- family relationships and her attitude in dealing w/ them
- Hannah- schedule!! stressed and her family is frustrated w/ her busy schedule
- Brooke- going to Florida from Thursday to Sunday ( have fun! I have always wanted to go there!)
- Brooke- behind in chemistry: pray for diligence
- Brooke- Jeremy’s recovery
- Brooke- summertime plans and scheduling
- Brooke- Moriah, Alyssa, and Annie are staying at the Bias’s house; pray for Alyssa’s plans on getting out here
- Mic- college payments
- Alexis- wisdom as she looks for a job this summer
- Gideon- his friend in the UK is thinking about suicide
- Tim- working at the poll tomorrow in his neighborhood; hoping to build/start relationships
By the way Tim I liked your prayer paper! It made me laugh! 🙂 ~Jaders