Alpha Announcements
October 13, 2014
- October 18th is the bonus Bible-study workshop at the Kings from 9-2, bring a Bible, notebook and a packed lunch!
- October 20th is a girl social at Becky’s house right after practice! Girls you will have a ride there!
- October 30th keep this date open it will be a social (with BetaJ) at Jen D.s barn, from 6:30-9:00!!!!!!!! Her address is, 262 A Belmont rd. Gordonville. Bring warm clothes even though you all think you are hot, please do cause you will freeze! Bring a sweet snack cause we all love food!
- October 31st is an evening outreach with Thunder outreach in Boyertown. Please ask your parents if they would be willing to drive and get back to Amy, ASAP!!!
- November 16th is a Sunday morning outreach at Conestoga Church of the Brethren
- November 16th is the YOU SHOULD COME TO THIS presentation for your family and friends at Blue Ball Church of the Brethren from 7:00-9:00 but ya’ll have to be there at 6:00 wearing your light grayish color shirt and black pants, black shoes, and black socks. Alpha will be bringing salty snacks for fellowship time!!! So make sure you bring yours!
- December 6th is a possible outreach from 12:00-7:00. Let Amy know ASAP if you can come or not.
- December 10th is a possible outreach at Jen D.’s church. So keep this date open!
- Be sure to remember your secret people!!!!!!!