Goodbye Drop-in

Hey Folks!

We’re having a send off for our Intern, Hannah Poch, this Sunday. I know many of you, at various times, got to hang out with her and encourage her while she stayed with us. Well, her Pa time is almost ended and soon she’ll be shoveling snow back in Wyoming. If you’d like a chance to drop in and say “bye” before she leaves, here is your chance.

Where: King’s House, 241 Blimline Rd., Mohnton, PA 19540

When: This Sunday, Oct. 13. We’ll do this drop-in style from 3:30pm on into the evening. There is one interruption, though – from 6-7pm we’ll be over at Mohn’s Hill E. C. Church sharing about DRAMA’s recent trip to Scotland. You are all welcome to come to that as well.

What: If you can, bring some snacks or a drink to share. If you’re super nice, you could even e-mail Tim ( and tell him you’re coming and what you’re bringing. That’d definitely be cool.

Drop-in for Hannah

Scotland Update

Midweek Update

Hello Friends,

Just another quick update with a host of pictures attached. Our presentations on Sunday went very well and the preaching was well received. Since then we’ve spent our mornings helping with the Burntisland Holiday Club (VBS). Our afternoons doing outdoor events for teenagers alternately in Burntisland and Kinghorn from one day to the next. Our evenings, however, have varied. Yesterday (Wednesday) we were able to travel to a church group outside of Perth and give a presentation and workshop. You can be praying that the youth there will decide to continue with what we taught them and perhaps pull together some presentations of their own. Tonight we will have our big event for the local teenagers including a bonfire on the beach if the weather permits. Please be praying that the Lord would draw the the right youth out to this event and use it for His purposes. The next night we’ll be helping with the Holiday Club’s family night.

Here are some photos from the past few days:


Training Days

Training DaysWell Friends, there’s not a lot to be said about the last few days. We’ve been working hard at learning all the mime routines that we might use over the next few days. The team has handled the time transition quite well. We’re glad to finally have the full team together – all UK and US members accounted for. They’ve all been getting along well. I’ve already begun to forget that we’ve not all been on a team together before.

Continue to pray that we would be unified as a team going forward. Also, tomorrow (Sunday) we will be presenting at three different church gatherings and I (Tim) will share a message on discipleship at one of them. These will be the first presentations for our team, so pray that God would encourage them and give them boldness. The first two will be at the same time in different churches, so pray also for the team that will have to present without my help.

Alright, enough talk. Here are some pictures:

Safely in Scotland


Hello Friends,

Just a quick note to say that the team arrived safely in Scotland with all luggage and no complications. By now, they’re all asleep at their host homes and I’ll do the same shortly. Thanks for your prayers!

In Him,

Scotland Giving


Help DRAMAministry return to Scotland this August by clicking the button below and giving toward our support needs. Several of our team members are still working to raise enough funds for the trip.
Additionally, subscribe to our e-mail newsletter if you want to get updates while we’re on the road. To do that, click on the “newsletter” button below. If you are already getting update e-mails from us, we will continue to keep you up-to-date. You don’t need to re-subscribe.

Beta Outreach, Saturday, May 18th

On Saturday, May 18th, we went back to Carlos and Migdalia’s community center, this time to give a presentation.

When we arrived, we immediately began practicing. Since we had a two hour presentation, we did things a little differently for this outreach. Instead of just miming, we also did three skits, so we had to go over those as well as some of the nine songs we were presenting. Also, instead of just the leaders doing the speaking, three of our members spoke, too.

When we were finally done practicing, we spent some time praying for the outreach. Then we split into two groups, grabbed some flyers, and headed off down the street, going door to door and inviting people to our presentation. Once we were out of time, we headed back to the community center and greeted people.

In the first half of the presentation, the skits, speaking, and songs all went very well. There were no major glitches or mistakes. We had a short intermission and were able to eat and talk with the audience. The last half of the presentation also went well. There were a few mistakes in two of the songs, but other that that it was just as well as the first one. After we were done onstage, we had a short worship time and then the presentation was over.

Afterwards, we talked with the audience again for a little while. Then we had supper, which was provided by Migdalia, before heading home.

This outreach went really well. The presentation went smoothly, we were able to talk with the audience a lot, and we had great team time to and from the outreach. This was our last outreach of the session, and I think it definitely was a great finish. So we praise God for another great outreach and session!

Tim sharing the message of the gospel.

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Beta Outreach at Trinity E.C.

On Sunday, May 5th, Beta had an outreach at Trinity E.C. church in Boyerstown. As usual, we met and rode together to the outreach. The church has three services and we presented for two of them. We arrived at the church during their first service, so we had plenty of time to put on our mime paint, pray for the outreach, and hang out in the church’s fellowship hall and lobby. We had fun stroll miming and entertaining people. 🙂
Soon it was time to present and we walked single file up the aisle and onto the stage. Our three songs went very well, with no major mistakes and no problem with the sound. The speaking also went very well. Almost before we knew it, we filed back down the aisle.
We spent the time between presentations in the church’s youth room, hanging out and talking about our first presentation. Then we headed back for our second one, which went just as well as the first, if not better! It was neat to see some of the youth, who had seen us stroll miming, come in just to watch our presentation. Afterwards, we sat in the back of the sanctuary and listened to the sermon.
When it was over we (very gladly) took off our face paint and ate lunch, which was provided by the church. Then we headed home.
Overall, it was a great outreach! We were able to interact with a lot of people, had fun stroll miming, and laughed at a large number of things! Also, every single one of our members was able to be there, which was a first for this session. So we praise and thank God for an awesome outreach!


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Team Beta Workday, Saturday, April 13th

On Saturday, April 13, team Beta spent a day helping Carlos and Migdalia DeJesus. Carlos and Migdalia bought a former school building and turned part of it into a community center and a small shop. They give out free clothing and food to needy people in their community. Some of the building has been finished, but most of it still needs to be cleaned out.
At a fairly early hour, we piled into the DRAMA van and started the three hour drive. It was lots of fun, full of laugher and silly jokes, even though two of our members were unable to come.
We arrived in good time and soon got down to work. We spent most of the morning shoveling extra gravel from the parking lot and along the side of the road and using it to fix up their gravel drive. Then we washed the baseboards and swept the floor of their large auditorium before stopping for the delicious lunch Migdalia made for us.
After lunch, a few of us mopped the auditorium while the rest of us moved on to different jobs. Some worked on vacuuming out a large room in an unfinished part of the building, while the rest worked on moving boxes from a musty, mildew-filled room in the basement.
We spent the last hour of our afternoon “spring cleaning” the finished part the building, washing baseboards, sweeping, and mopping. Before leaving, we spent some time praying for Carlos and Migdalia and their ministry. Then we said goodbye and packed ourselves back into the van for the ride home.
We had an awesome time helping out Carlos and Migdalia, and were blessed to be able to partner with them in their ministry!




Before…                                                                    …After!



Beta Outreach at Water Street

On Wednesday, March 20th, 2013, team Beta presented at Water Street Ministries in Lancaster. Once all of our team arrived, we had about forty-five minutes to practice before we were supposed to present, so we were able to run through all five of our songs.
When the audience began arriving, a few at a time, we spread out and greeted them. We made small talk and answered questions about our ministry.
Then it was time to start. We walked single file onto the stage and set up for our first song. Each of the songs went very well, especially the first one, when the audience began clapping in the middle of the song. The speaking went well, too, until the mike stopped working while one of our members was speaking. But he finished his speaking, and the rest of the presentation ran smoothly.
Afterwards, we spread out again and thanked our audience for coming. When they had all gone, we helped the staff gather and stack all of the chairs before heading home.
Overall, this was a great outreach! The audience was very responsive to our mimes, the speaking went well, and we could definitely see God working throughout the evening!

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