Beta Outreach at Bowmansville TNT

Team Beta’s first outreach of the session was on Friday, March 15th, 2013, at Bowmansville TNT (a youth ministry). We met and drove together, and the van ride there was, as usual, full of laughter and fun jokes.
We arrived in good time and began practicing the songs we were going to present. We were able to run through each of them once, and some of them more than once, depending on how much practice we needed. One of our members wasn’t able to be there, but thankfully our Assistant Director knew all of his parts, so she filled in for him.
Then the kids arrived and we started our presentation. Our three songs went well, as did Tim’s speaking! Our sound system had been acting up a little bit during practice, but thankfully it was fine for the presentation.
When we were done, we headed downstairs with the kids. We hung out with them and played games for about half an hour before piling back into the van to head home.
Overall, it was a great first outreach for the session! We had great team time to and from the outreach, an awesome time hanging out with the kids, and are grateful that God gave us this opportunity!

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Training Camp: Day One

We’ve just concluded the first day of Training Camp and everybody has a smile on their face and only mildly sore muscles. 🙂 Today both teams learned 7 songs and have begun the song writing process, hoping to have 2 new songs by the end of camp. Prayers for health throughout camp are always appreciated as a few members are not feeling top notch and we still have 2 days to go! Here are a few snaps of today:

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Jessica King on behalf of the DRAMA mimers


Thanks for all your prayers as I traveled in Colombia. I am safely back in Pennsylvania and with the oncoming snow it is quite apparent that I’m not in Bogota anymore…. well, that and a host of other differences. God is good and the trip was a success on many levels. From work done on the CVII facilities and training the youth to outreach events bringing physical relief the villages and the Gospel message to those in need of hope, we were able to accomplish what we set out do. Keep CVII in your prayers as what you followed in my blog posts is just their day-to-day operations. I’m home, their still at it.

If you’d like to see more pictures, hear a fuller update, ask questions and that sort of thing, I’ll be sharing about the trip at my church next Sunday evening, February 17, 6pm. I go to Mohn’s Hill E. C. Church, 708 Mohn’s Hill Rd., Reading, PA 19608. I’d love to have you there.

Thanks again & God bless,


Cement, Cold Showers and Cockroaches

Sorry it has taken me so long to get an other update out. It’s been busy a but good time.  Last week we got all the cement work done, so it’s ready for the tiling team that will come through after I leave. They should have the medical clinic back up and running after that. This week we’re rebuilding some sinks in the girls house that were wearing out.

Over the weekend (Friday through Sunday night) we took a trip to Cali, Colombia with the theater team I’ve been training. They got to give a group of youth there a workshop in what we do and there is a leader in the Cali church that plans to follow up and help keep that group going. We also did some open air evangelism with the the Cali group and presented in their church on Sunday morning. It was a whirlwind trip, but well worth doing. It was a blessing to see the youth I’ve been working with step up and lead in the workshop and encourage their peers. In general, I really enjoyed their friendship as we traveled together. They asked me if I thought they were crazy in van, but I told them they were on par with the youth back home. Suffice it to say our 8 1/2 hour drive to and from Cali had a lot of laughter.

Enjoy some pictures and remember to keep me in your prayers. Pray for those we have ministered to, pray for those of us ministering. I fly home this Thursday – February 7th.

In Him,


P.S. – if you can’t see the images below (i.e. you’re reading this in an e-mail that didn’t show them), go here to read the post online with all the pictures:


Quite the Weekend

Hello Friends,

Thanks again for all your prayers. Please continue!

This past weekend we were able to take a team from Wisconsin and the local group that I’ve been working with on a mountain mission. It was an experience that I doubt most will ever forget. The local police had helped Children’s Vision number all of the houses in the village so that every home could be visited. Each home was assessed and forms were filled out identifying needs. Many lived on dirt floors with open sewage and no bed. Children’s Vision will now begin to organize help for the most needy in the village using these notes as a reference. In the past they’ve delivered as many as 30 beds to a small village like this one. Other’s will be able to come to CVII’s school at no cost to them.

Each home that was visited got a ticket to come down to the little church where we had setup temporary base. There they would receive clean water, clothing and groceries. This is where I was setup with the local team. We did our Gospel presentations as usual but it was such a different audience. They were very warm and welcoming and in between presentations and helping distribute various handouts, we would ask if we could pray for them. The answer was almost always “yes”. What was particularly memorable from this was knowing that the youth I was working with came from these very same circumstances and here they were, kneeling down to pray with and give aid to those still trapped in absolute poverty. They’re coming to understand that they have been blessed to be a blessing.

This week I’m helping pour cement at the medical clinic and teaching the local team after school. At the end of the week we’ll be taking a road trip to the city of Cali to partner with a church there. The days are rather long and they start early, but every minute is a blessing. I’ll try to write again before too long.

In His Hands,


First Week

Hey Friends,

Just a quick update to let you know that I’m alive and kicking! It’s been a busy week teaching the youth, leading a daily Bible study and lending the remaining time to helping the work team that’s in as they rip out and replace the floor to the medical clinic.

Tomorrow we head outside of Bogota to deliver groceries and supplies to a nearby village. The youth I’ve been training are coming along to help and to present the mime routines that they learned. It should be a full day. Be praying for us all – health, safety and wisdom – as we go. I’ll try to jump on here and get some more photos up this weekend.

Grace & Peace!


Safely In Bogota

Dear Friends,
DRAMA Ministry is again in Bogota, Colombia. If you are receiving this via e-mail, it is because you subscribed to one of our lists in the past. Some of you supported our last team that came to Colombia, so I have included you in these updates as this trip will hopefully give you a glimpse of all that God has been doing since then. Some of you may be reading this update on our blog – feel free to invite others to follow along at this address:

This trip is different from our others, in that I didn’t take a whole team. It’s just me, Tim, and the ministry team for this trip will be the team that is here in Bogota. I’ve just arrived, so this is just an initial update to let you all know that I got safely to Bogata late last night. I was even welcomed at the airport by two of our local team members, Carlos and Miguel – what a treat!

We’re still charting out the plans for this week, but it will include a fair bit of time in mime training and Bible study with the local team as well as some opportunities to encourage a group of youth that are here from the USA. I’ll keep you updated as I get the chance. Next weekend we’ll be traveling to Cali to work with a church there. Continue to lift me up in prayer, as well as each of the members of our team here: Carlos, Miguel, Andres, Bryan, Estabon, Derli, Xiomara, Bridgith, Sofia and Jennifer. Today is Miguel’s birthday.

God Bless,
director of ministries

‘Light the Night’ Halloween Alternative

On October 31, 2012, Alpha had the opportunity to partner with Thunder Outreach at Fairgrounds Square Mall in Reading. ‘Light the Night’ is a safe alternative to Halloween trick-or-treating. DRAMA has been asked in years past by Thunder Outreach to participate in this event through mime, but this year the mall actually asked Thunder Outreach to see if we could come back because they had seen the way we interacted with people.

While we did present three of our mimes, the majority of our time was spent stroll miming- playing sports with imaginary balls, bats, ect., eating food that doesn’t really exist, getting trapped/trapping other people in mime boxes, and things like that. During our time stroll miming, we played several games of duck duck goose with the children there. They enjoyed it almost as much as we did and afterward quite a few of them would stick around and watch us mime and play other things with us.

~Becky and Brooke~

Team Alpha, October 13, 2012

Now is the time to be a missionary for Christ.

October 13 2012, at Boyertown E.C.  was a very stretching but convicting outreach. One of the members (Jeremy) was not able to come because he was sick with a fever. Once again this taught us flexibility and team unity. After arriving, we partnered with GMC (Global Missions Commission) focusing on being a missionary right where you are. DRAMA worked with mainly the teens, and heard from several missionaries to different places around the world. Splitting into different groups with the teens, we came up with ideas of things we could possibly do for ministry here and now. Afterwards we presented for the congregation and it was very touching to us when a lady started to cry. We all enjoyed getting to know the teens and missionaries and eating lunch with them. We focused a lot on how you can be young and still be involved in ministry. It was definitely an outreach that made us all think about our lives here and now.

~Becky and Brooke~ =)

Team Alpha October 7, 2012

For Alpha’s first outreach of the session, we were partnering with Mohn’s Hill E. C. Church at a park. One of the main things we learned at this outreach was flexibility as it was cold and rainy, we had a metal pole in the middle of our stage, and we had complications with our face paint. We presented two mimes and everyone seemed to enjoy it. One lady came up to us afterward and told us that the mimes made her cry and were very powerful. Some things that made people smile were our running around with face paint on afterward and one of our members (Chris) tying balloons to his beard. Over all, it was a really good outreach and we had fun and learned a lot.

~Becky and Brooke~