8.30.16 Prayer Requests

Hey Folks!

I wanted to say thank you every one for your openness in prayer time! There are so many ways to be praying for each other this week!

Brittany: Ankle is still bothering her, but she is going to see a doctor this week. As school is starting, she wants to have a good attitude about her studies.

Connor: He desires wisdom as he decides whether or not to stay at Sheetz or return to the farm. This past week his Dad went back to school as well, which creates additional stress at home.

Trent: To be diligent with a routine and his school work to avoid procrastination. His classes are going well though! His mom had surgery for her kidney stones, which went well, but pray for quick healing as she is home resting now.

Caleb: He is traveling to VA for a conference with Tim this weekend; Tim is also speaking at it. It’s been hard for him to start school since his mom hasn’t been feeling well, but that he would start now that she is home.

Rachael: Safety as she travels to Ohio with her sister this weekend. For her to have courage as she calls her brother, and also pray for her brother Ben in Argentina as it’s been hard for him lately.

Hannah: She got a job at Rita’s! With school starting she is diving into all her classes, so pray she won’t be stressed, but will be diligent.

Kayla: Her toe is still swollen, but she has returned to CC and work. She’s also picked up a cold. She met a girl on CC and wants to witness to her, as well as the whole team.

Jaybin: Wants to witness to the guys at Votech, but it’s hard because they don’t respect God’s name. He’s in school during the day now, so he needs to find time to work in his busy schedule. Lenita went back to Elim!

Terran: He needs to be willing to give up working as much as he is currently so he can start school.

Jesse: He is going to start school next Tuesday, but he has a lot of preparation to do before classes start.

Abby: To have patience with her sister.

Selena: She is starting a lot of classes this week. In order to keep up with all of them, she can’t procrastinate.

I’ll see you all in a week and a half! Take care till then. 🙂

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