Beta Prayer Requests 3/27/18

Alyssa: Praise! her dad’s hip surgery went well. Prayer that he would continue to heal quickly and not hurt himself. Praise! done with potatoes.

Deanna: Praise! First day of work went well.

Jesse and Sarah: Praise! Connor and Hannah are coming home for the weekend.

Michael: Prayer for stressful work.

Scotty: Prayer/praise work has been busy, and prayer for tests.

Kayla: Parents are going on trip Thursday-Sunday, that they would have safe travels.

Brittany: Not to be stressed out with taking care of niece. Good attitude toward people at work.

Olivia: Test in history, that she would study and remember information.

Emily S: Going to dermatologist tomorrow (Wednesday). Thursday eye doctor appointment test, praise! pretty sure no glycoma. Prayer for drivers permit test coming up.

Alisha: Not to stress out about drama banquet, to have a good attitude.

Sarah: Praise/prayer that she’s helping with Sprouts.

Naomi: That the Easter dance she is in at her church would go well. Praise! Gets to see her cousins again.

Selena: Praise! her team had a fun time at the basketball tournament. Praise! Finished paper on time despite being away last week. Prayer as she’s considering some online college classes. Prayer as she is job shadowing on Friday.

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