Bethany E.C. Outreach

Team Beta got to have their first outreach of the session  at Ebenezer E.C. on September 29th.

We all got there early, before the service started, to set up and practice and have time to pray. When the congregation started arriving for Sunday school, we all split up and went to Sunday school with them. We don’t always get to go to the Sunday school when we present at churches, and so it was a fun chance to meet the church members.

After the Sunday school hour ended, they went right into the service. Our director had been filling in as pastor there during the month prior, and our presentation helped to sum up the different topics he’d been preaching on, centering on discipleship. When the service ended, many of the people hung around to talk with us (we did not wear paint at this outreach). Everyone was so willing to talk and engage us, and it was a neat experience to met those people whom I would never have met otherwise.

Before we left, our team went outside to take some team pictures and have fun being a little crazy. Praise God for such an amazing opportunity to share his Word!

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