Clermont Elementary Release Time

DRAMA may be out of session at the moment, but sharing the gospel is never out of session, and so, when we had the opportunity to go present at this release time, we pulled together a team and jumped into a car! Well, three cars, actually.

But that is jumping ahead. Backing up a bit, we spent the morning running over the mimes we wanted to share. We could all tell that God was with us, for the team worked well together and it went very quickly, and we ended up with an extra half hour! The extra time enabled us to sit together and spending a chunk of time just praying for the kids who’d be coming to the release time and for God’s will to be had over the whole event. Often we’re crunched for time and don’t have that chance, and so having it was a blessing.

Then we hopped into the cars and headed for the outreach! We arrived well before the kids were supposed to come, so we set ourselves up and then got to hang out and laugh together for a while. It was quite amazing that even though this team was only for today, there was wonderful unity among us.

Every kid was given a dozen high fives when they walked through the door, and then they sang some songs, and we hopped on stage to share the gospel. It was a huge blessing to get to carry the most powerful message and show it to these elementary kids in a way they can understand. In between songs, different ones of us introduced the song to give them a better idea of what to expect, to help make sure they would understand it, and not get lost in all the motions and movement.

Afterwords, the kids broke up into little groups, and we slipped in to listen before we left. It is always neat to hear how the kids respond, and to see what God is teaching them. It was so wonderful to have been used by God at this outreach and to Him be all the glory for it!



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