What is one thing you can do this week that shows selfless humility, and how are you going to do it?
Jaybin: Doing the dishes and wash without being asked
Trent: Get together with Mic
Hannah: Helping with supper without being asked at least twice this week
Jesse: Do everything in school without being told
Scott: help around the house more with a humble attitude
Caleb: be the one to get snack for the family in the evening
Rachael: not only focusing on her own stuff at TIP but looking around to see how the others are doing, encouraging at least 2 or 3 different people
Mikey: Be more encouraging and intentional, building the leaders up
Connor: Let others choose the movie
Emily: In Sprouts, that she would be encouraging to them
Selena: Spending time with Erika on her birthday and throughout the week
Alisha: When getting home from work, ask how her mom is doing, encouraging her how she would appreciate