In what area of your life are you not pressing on towards the goal? What can you do this coming week to change that?
Trent: not just doing what he wants but being deliberate about reaching out to Caleb more this week, and catching up with other friends
Emily: do at least one thing with Tony and Maria this week
Rachael: being intentional about interacting with Ben, and having a good attitude about schoolwork
Scotty: taking the time to help his mom more, and hang out with Peter
Mikey: start being more intentional with his devos, and memorize the sermon on the mount
Hannah: serving her mom more in the kitchen- at least 2-3 meals this week
Caleb: his attitude with his family, not to take them for granted
Jaybin: keep pushing forward in memorizing his Bible study passage
Connor: stop letting devos slide
Alisha: kneel beside her bed for prayer time so she can stay more focused
Jesse: be more intentional in his devos (followup partner: Connor)
Selena: be more intentional in her prayer time, not just listing a bunch of stuff- specifically praying about her summer plans