On Saturday, May 16th team Balfata ( a combination of team Alpha, team Beta,& Joseph Queen) met at the Lancaster shopping center at roughly 6:30am and when the whole team got there we prayed and then headed out for God’s Clear View Ministries. When we arrived, Carlos and Migdalia (directors of the ministry) had food and hot drinks waiting for us. After using the restrooms (which was mostly girls) and a light breakfast and prayer. Michael Austin (Beta’s director), Trent Martin (Beta’s assistant director), and Alex High (Alpha’s assistant director), who where heading things up for the day, split the team into two groups, one to work inside and one to work outside. The outside group was under the direction of Alex and the inside group was under Trent’s direction. Each group was divided into crews to accomplish the different jobs. Below are some pictures of the different crews:
Above two: Blessing shop, sorting clothes, Amy High & Jesse Fellenbaum
Above: Outside clean up, Hannah Fellenbaum
Above: Yard sale room, sweeping cobwebs, Alisha Weaver
Above: Edging, Hannah Landes & Alexis Weaver
Then around 2:00pm we took a break for a very, wonderful lunch! Pictured below: After that we finished up some of the projects we had started before lunch and also got some extra things done.
Above: Fixing wall, Alex High & Connor Fellenbaum
Above: Pantry, checking expiration dates, Selena Gerlach & Liana Horst
Then we headed out at roughly 5:30pm. Everything went well and praise God that we were able to finish all the jobs they had for us plus some extra jobs as well! 🙂 We arrived home safely and I think the whole team would agree it was a great day!
Praise God for all he did!!
~Alexis Weaver