Aaron: Praise-finished a paper a week early; had a good weekend with friends: got off school the day of Dad’s surgery Prayer- need to find a new car( the old one died) peace because he is looking at a busy couple of weeks: he won’t waste time with siblings.
Alisha: Prayer- for a refreshing weekend at the cabin (with family); wisdom in making decisions for the wedding (her and Michael seek to honor God in their decisions).
Alyssa: Prayer- conviction of wrong thinking; commitment to pursuing God (devotions/prayer); strength of faith in God’s love and nature; Briana; people back home are having struggles, clarity
Caleb: Praise- hunting season is going well Prayer- diligence in his application
Connor: Praise- math is going well Prayer- diligence in his application; paper due on Friday
Emily S: Prayer- for her Bible study (it would get done right) peace about it
Emily W: Prayer- she has a busy this week; diligence to be able to get everything that needs done and peace over it; Family is going to the cabin this weekend, that it would be a relaxing time: bible study is next week; that she would have time to work on it and the right attitude about it
Hannah:Prayer- PSAT ‘s tomorrow; she has two soccer games this week and wants to be a blessing to teammates and coach; that she would be a blessing to her mom ( all of the above- that she would not be anxious about them but trust in god) busy schedule;to still have time for God and family-and school
Jaybin: Prayer- school would continue to go well; very busy upcoming weeks
Jesse: Prayer- he would be able to get caught up in school; wisdom for mom( that she would know what to do about my grandparents); strength for my mom both physically and mentally
Kayla: Praise- all caught up in physics Prayer- wisdom for the spring schedule; back would continue to heal
Maria: Prayer- she would have a good time at the cabin this weekend
Michael: Prayer- safe trip and relaxing time at the cabin; to manage his schedule better; work would not stress himself out; Alisha and him would honor God in their decisions
Olivia: Prayer- to be able to finish all of her school that needs to be done in the time she needs it don; peace about it
Rachael: Praise-she got to talk to Ben for a hour and a half Prayer- peace for her group presentation on hypnosis on Friday; left wrist has been hurting a lot this past week; for a psych exam on Monday
Scotty: Praise- school has been going well prayer-Scotland funds; for preparations of the trip; remember to pray& trust God more
Selena: Prayer- PSAT ‘s on Wednesday morning;peace during the test; Sunday a previous exchange student is coming to visit for the week(that they would have a good week with her despite not having seen her for four years
Trent: Praise- Scotland fundraising is done for him Prayer- for Christ House in helping the refuge family; Scotland team