Alpha Outreach at God’s Clear View Ministry

On Saturday October 17th, Alpha had an service day outreach a God’s Clear View Ministry, or for those who know them better as Carlos and Migdalia. πŸ™‚ We were able to have Joseph Queen join us for the day.

We met early in the morning while it was dark and cold outside and came home late that same day, when it was dark and cold outside also… When we arrived, Migdalia had lots of food to snack on before we started working. Β It was a very chilly day over all, we even got to experience some snow while we were there …. yes, snow!

Our first job of the day was to move a LARGE pile of fire wood inside. We made an assembly line and started pilling the wood higher and deeper along one of the hallways inside. That ended up taking us most of the morning. We then took a break for a delicious lunch, thanks to Migdalia again. πŸ™‚ After lunch we split into a few groups. One group was the wood burning crew, who worked away at cleaning up scrap wood pieces and then attempted to fit them into barrels to burn. Another group worked in the Blessing Shop, they organized the cloths and swapped out the summer clothes for winter clothes. And the last group worked on cleaning up the garden, they pulled out weeds and covered the garden with straw to winterize it.




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