Alpha’s Outreach at Blue Ball Release Time

On May 5, 2022, Alpha had an outreach for Blue Ball school’s release time. We got to greet and welcome the kids as they entered the sanctuary which was a lot of fun. The kids were very excited and their energy could be felt even as we were performing the mimes. They listened intently to the speakers, laughed at some of the more comical mimes, and clapped and cheered enthusiastically at the end of each performance.

     Overall, everything went really well. There were some things that could have gone better but through it, we were able to show that God can display His love and goodness through imperfect people. We were able to come together as a team and build each other up. The speakers did fantastic too, presenting hard topics in an easy-to-understand manner for the kids.

     Afterward, we got to talk to the kids a little bit and walk them back to their school. Some of them enjoyed the mimes so much that they were trying to practice techniques we had used! We hope that through our miming they would have a better understanding of God’s love for them and be led to have a deepening relationship with Him.

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