Halloween Alternative Event

With Halloween this year, we had a really fun chance to attend a Halloween alternative hosted by Conestoga Church of the Brethern. We arrived before the kids to put on our mime paint and get set up.

When the kids arrived, we dispersed among them and had a lot of fun stroll miming, that is, playing with them and being goofy. We tried to interact with the kids costumes too. We’d follow the ones dressed as shepherds around like sheep, or waddle behind a penguin costume, or bounce bouncy balls with them. The kids really enjoyed it, and so when we went onto the stage to perform a short presentation, they were all really eager to watch, along with their parents.

Then we went back to stroll miming, and after a while we had a second presentation for those who had been arriving. We were there all evening and had so much fun being creative. At the end, they gave us each little bags of candy, which we snacked on while we took off our paint and hung out as we waited for our rides to arrive.

It was so much fun getting to interact with all the kids on their own leave — there’s no limit to how goofy you can be while you have mime paint on! — and I really hope and pray that they were able to see the message behind our antics.

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