Home Mission

We’ve safely made it back to the USA. I’ll post one final update shortly with details about when you can come and hear testimonies. (Tentatively, February 24, 6:30pm at Christ House EC Church).

But the big thing I want to post right now is simply: don’t stop praying.

Hundreds of Gospel seeds were planted and local believers were trained in carrying the ministry forward. Pray for Wayne and Sharol Mitchell (and their two daughters!) from WYAM Grenada as they follow up on the work done and seek to build up local churches.

Pray for us. Our team has grown a lot these past two weeks. We want to come home and continue the mission – in daily lives of work and school, friends, coworkers and family. Pray that this would not simply be a spiritual mountain peak experience quickly adndoned, but rather a launchpad into deeper, bolder and more Gospel-saturated living.

Thank you for serving with us, through your prayers. God has been good and faithful. We pray for you, that God would bless you and strengthen your faith, more and more. Amen!

For Christ and His Gospel,


Wrapping Up

Sorry for the gap in updates; my phone screen broke and needed repaired. But that didn’t slow down ministry!

Saturday saw us doing a final workshop with the Grenada team we’ve been training. They’ve done really well! Please pray for them as YWAM Grenada seeks to follow up and arrange some outreaches for them after we leave.

Sunday was a day of unique stages! First, we headed to the other end of the island for a service with St. George’s Baptist church that allowed us to present the gospel on local TV. Sunday night we joined Rosehill Baptist for a street Gospel presentation in their community, setting up in front of a small roadside shop. The edge of our stage was defined by traffic!

Monday and Tuesday we were back to presenting in schools, including a high school. At this point, I (Tim) had stepped back entirely to just running sound as the team picked their song lists and did all the speaking. There has been much growth and discipleship!

Our final evening event was a Bible study group from Elim Pentecostal Church that was looking into discipleship. After the team presented and shared, I led an overview of discipleship in the Gospel of Matthew and we had a very productive discussion time. It’s always a joy to see churches thinking seriously about their response to the Great Commission.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) we’ll wrap up our final team time, pack our bags, cleanup the campus and head for the airport. Pray for safe travels, especially as the US has some ice and snow preparing to greet our arrival.

See you soon!

For Christ and His Gospel,


Proclaiming the Gospel

Thursday morning we had the opportunity to present at Grenada’s community college. This was a traditional street evangelism opportunity, but with a guaranteed audience due to Grenadaian Independence day celebrations on campus. We were told we could come do a fifteen minute time slot to open a time for student presentations, but when we arrived, they gave us more flexible time and even asked us to do a second presentation as well. God is good and opens doors for His Gospel!

Later that day we joined in a local church’s unique way of celebrating the national holiday – they read the whole New Testament, out loud and non-stop from Thursday evening until Friday afternoon. Aside from during the night, they have speakers projecting it outside the building to the community. DRAMA took turns reading and helped with the overnight slots. We finished by reading Revelation chapter 22 all together around 1:30pm on Friday. After some rest we celebrated together with our local friends and tried Grenada’s national dish, Oil Down. Lastly, we took the slow holiday schedule as an opportunity to walk to the nearest town, Sauteurs, and enjoy some history and a beautiful sunset over the ocean.

Tomorrow is our last workshop and then Sunday through Tuesday we still have several evangelism opportunities lined up. Keep praying!

For Christ and His Gospel,


Schools and Churches

We’re in the thick of our busy season. Monday we presented at two local schools for their primary departments. The kids were enthusiastic and engaged. Teachers and principles made a point of asking us to return again. That evening we had our first workshop training ten local believers in the mime techniques and routines that we use. We’ll train them further on Wednesday. We had ten out for the first workshop and heard more might join for the second. Join us in praying them in!

Tuesday morning we worked on the YWAM in the morning and presented for an evening Bible study for one of the larger churches here in Grenada.

(sorry I’m low on work pictures! … We were busy working!)

A Global Family

Yesturday we safely arrived in Grenada. It was a long day of travel and we were definitely tired, but everything went smoothly. We did a little bit of orientation and some final practice before everyone crashed into their beds for the night. Thank you or your prayers!

Today (Sunday) was our first day of ministry, and a very special one at that. We went to Gouyave Berean Bible Church where I (Tim) did my pastoral practicum back in 2007. We taught a special Sunday School class and presented in the main service. It’s a joy to join with God’s family across culture and geography.

This evening was more rest and preparation as tomorrow our schedule will pick up significantly. We’ll begin school presentations during the day (two tomorrow) and church events or workshops most evenings. We did manage a short stop by the beach so the team could enjoy the water.

We’re praying for a core group of youth to do three days of workshops with us and lay some initial foundations of a possible future team. It’s already booked and youth are coming, we just don’t know how many. Pray with us as local youth weigh the cost and step up.

For Christ and His Gospel,


Off We Go!

Friday night we drive to the airport; Saturday morning we take off. So depending when you read this, we’re likely in transit on some part of that. I wanted to send out a quick note asking for specific prayer. We’ve had a few folks it feeling 100% and even had to get a backup driver to the airport due to illness. This isn’t surprising. On the eve of a big ministry event, this stuff almost always goes down. And I’ve seen God sustain teams that took turns being sick throughout an entire trip. But I’ve also seen God turn back the illness and miraculously halt a spreading bug so we could serve at full strength. Whether it’s His strength being made known in our weakness or Him showing His triumph over the powers and principalities of this broken world, we come to it totally dependent on God and we will glorify Him alone. It’s His mission. As I look at our schedule for the coming week, we’re excited to have a pretty full lineup. That doesn’t give a lot of buffer for being ill. Would you start praying for God’s protection over our team’s health?

Next update will have pictures from Grenada!

For Christ and His Gospel,


Team Training!

We’re off to a good start. Today was all-day training. Next step, we’ll get a half day more of training and then we head to the airport late Friday night. I’ll attach some pictures of the team and a rough schedule for our days in country. Thanks for your prayers!


Luggage Tags

Here is a rough copy of our trip schedule.

Some elements may change and some things may get added. But this gives you an idea of how to pray for us over the coming days!

February 1st – Arrival / supper/ orientation
February 2nd – Morning Service at Gouyave Berean church. We are in charge of the whole service and Sunday school.
February 3rd – school ministry in the morning and workshop in the evening.
February 4th – school ministry in the morning; in the evening, church ministry.
February 5th – school ministry in the morning; another workshop in the evening.
February 6th – school ministry in the morning and late afternoon.
In the night from 10pm, reading through the New Testament to welcome in Independence Day. We read until we are finished.
February 7th – Grenadian Independence Day, national holiday. We’ll be joining in local cultural celebrations.
February 8th – Workshop 1-3pm
February 9th – Church ministry in Rosehill in the morning and street meeting in the evening.
February 10th – schoolY ministry in the morning followed by a mini tour.
February 11th – Work day at Ywam Campus.
February 12th – Fly home!

Heading to Grenada!

DRAMA Ministry is heading out to Grenada in just a few short days! You’re receiving this email because you either signed up for updates in the past or were added for updates during the trip. At the end of the trip, I’ll post options for you to update your email preferences.

The main reason for this email is to ask you to begin praying for us! January 30 we start training the mission team and February 1 we fly out. We get back on February 12. In between, we’ll be partnering with local churches for workshops and Gospel presentations, sharing at schools across the island and joining with local believers for evangelism. Our heart is to equip the local churches and their youth with ministry skills to carry on long after we return home. Pray for those relationships. Pray for team unity and energy as these next two weeks will go by very quickly for us.

Thanks for supporting DRAMA Ministry in this way!

-tim king

Director of Ministries

DRAMA Ministry

Thank You! – Banquet 2021

Thank you for your generous donations to DRAMA at this year’s support banquet! These funds are vital to our keeping session costs low to our members, offering outreaches free of charge to local churches and supporting our leadership in family oriented ministry. That’s a lot of bang for your buck! Often doing things the right way isn’t the same as doing things the cheapest way, so we are deeply dependent on your support for DRAMA to continue its unique vision for discipleship and ministry. This year your giving raised $5,105.57 towards DRAMA’s needs.

That’s $5,000 that helps:

  • Kids afford being a part of a ministry where they will get hands-on training in discipleship, Bible study methods, evangelism and leadership. (DRAMA subsidizes the cost of participation with your donations and never turns away a youth who cannot afford even the reduced rate).
  • Our directors bringing their whole families along with them on mission to give whole-life discipleship both to the team members and their own children.
  • Afford DRAMA having its own office space where we can better empower the youth on our teams to take ownership of the ministry.
  • Put gas in the vehicles that will take DRAMA youth to train churches in Gospel ministry and partner with churches in evangelism.
  • All the little and easily forgotten costs to doing ministry well, from insurance dues to webhosting to props and sound equipment.

Thank you for participating in the mission God has given us to see Christ formed in Believers!

Couldn’t attend and wanted to give? Click the donations button below to give online!

Final Stretch

Hello friends,

WiFi is working again,so I’ll celebrate with more pictures!

We’re back into our regular routine of service work by day and training the local team by night. Tomorrow well do a joint presentation with them for Valentine’s Day.

There’s lots we hope to finish up before we fly home on Friday. Pray for strength to finish well!

God bless!
