DRAMA’s Annual Support Banquet!

Hello Friends,

Just a quick note to let you know you can begin to RSVP for DRAMA’s banquet in May. Click on the image below to see a page with all the details and even a form for reserving your spot. We’ll have more details up in the weeks to come about sponsoring tables and other ways you can help make this event a success. Feel free to invite friends and relatives who may be interested in getting behind DRAMA Ministry as we continue to disciple youth to make disciples!

Training Camp – Alpha & Beta

Back at camp and rocking what we do.

Back at camp and rocking what we do.
Hello Friends,
Just a quick note letting you know that DRAMA’s spring session is underway. Today through Wednesday, teams Alpha and Beta are having their training camp. Please be in prayer for new leaders who are getting fresh experience, for the Gospel mime routines that are being put together and for me as I will be bringing messages tonight and tomorrow afternoon. We hope to see these next few days lay foundations of unity and trust for the teams as they gear up for the session. Much is going on and much is still ahead. Thanks for your support!

In Him,

One More Day

Hello Friends,

We have one more day before we head for home. That does not mean things are slowing down. We are hoping to finish up a few more dump truck loads on the demolition mess we’ve made, present for a deaf school and do one more workshop with the local team. Yes, that’s all slated for Thursday. The presentation is at 1 and the workshop is at 4. Prayers for continued energy are appreciated.

Since I last wrote, the local team has continued to learn new mime technique and songs at an impressive rate. We are very excited for them. Today we gave a presentation for the CVII school and it was well received. This was another presentation done in partnership with the team we have been training. The focus was on God using young people which is a topic very dear to our team’s heart.

As always, here are some pictures – note the progress on removing the brick walls. This is what we do in our spare time. 😉

In Him,

God is Faithful

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for your prayers. Children’s Vision (CVII) has been making in roads of charity with the school and village that we visited yesterday, but this was the first time that we know of that the Gospel was presented. It was warmly received. While I don’t have numbers for you (that is in God’s hands), I can say that from where I was standing I could see one of the police officers present praying to receive Christ with the others. It was done out loud and the sound of so many voices praying at once (and possibly for the fist time) was overwhelming. This presentation was doubly special for us because we were able to do it in partnership with the local drama team with them presenting three songs along side of our team and their director doing some of the speaking with me and Richard (CVII director). God is faithful.

After the presentation, we handed out cake (again, a first for most present) and school packs with supplies. The police officers thanked us and explained the the kids did not have any other pencils so this would be very helpful for the school. As each child cam forward to receive a school pack they were also given a hug.

Today we went to church with the kids from CVII and took them out to eat for lunch. Several chickens later we were heading out to go grocery shopping with our little team of interpreters in tow. It has been a relaxed day which is good as the past few have been quite full. The fellowship with the kids has also been great. They eat up all the attention that we can give them.

Tomorrow we return to the regular schedule – work in the morning and workshop in the evening. It looks like we will get to present for the CVII school tomorrow morning, so be in prayer for that. Additionally, a deaf school here in Bogota has arranged for us to come and present on Thursday. This is a pleasant, surprise addition to our schedule.

As always, below are some photos. You can use the ones from our presentation to guide your prayers – these are the youth that just heard the Gospel. The seed has been sown, now we pray that God would help it to grow.

In His hands and His service,

Hard at Work

Well friends, time is flying by all to quickly. An average day for the team looks something like this:

Breakfast at 7:45, Begin work at 8:30. The ladies do a variety of different tasks with Jeanene from sewing to preparing kits to give out at the upcoming outreach. The guys have been working with Richard. Our big task (we’ve done a lot of things already) is actually picking up on the construction project begun two years ago during our last visit. It has taken that long for them to get the permits needed to continue. Now we are beginning to tear down the last wall and make way for the next phase of construction. We work until around 2:45 each day.

At 3:00 the team heads over to train with the local drama team. After our last visit they were greatly inspired and did start-up there own team. They have a handful of songs (which they do very well!) and we are now seeking to add a few more to the list as well as some mime technique. They are eager and fun learners. It is exciting for us to see them involved in ministry already and to see the character of the members. They are off to a great start.

Each evening we eat at a different house with the youth from Children’s Vision. To say we are becoming attached would be an understatement. When the kids start heading for bed, we return to our home and have team devotions before going to bed ourselves.

Tomorrow (Saturday) we will be heading out to do a joint outreach with the youth we’ve been training. There should be 100-150 youth in attendance and it is not likely that many of them have heard the Gospel before. We head out at 9am after a brief, final practice with the local team. Pray for us and the message being delivered.

Below are some pictures from our trip so far.

God Bless!

Safely in Bogota

Hello Friends,

Just a quick post to let you know we made it safely into Bogota. We’re getting started on work projects and looking forward to a week of workshops with the local youth. There is a joint outreach planned for Saturday – I’ll get you more details on that tomorrow.

Keep praying!


Heading Out

Well friends, the team is trained and ready to take to the skies. On Feb. 1, fourteen DRAMA members will leave for Colombia. We’re excited to see what God has in store for us as we return to Bogota to work again with Children’s Vision International. Please be in prayer for us as we travel and as we begin to serve.  It has been two years since we last were here; pray that seeds planted then would be bearing fruit and that we could build on the good partnership forged on that past trip. May God multiply our efforts in His name and for His glory.

Colombia Team 2012

Colombia Bound

DRAMA is planning a return trip to Colombia to partner with CVII. Each member of this team is raising $1,200 to cover their costs. We will be in Colombia from February 1-10. Please consider supporting us as we make this trip – both in prayer and monetarily. You can click the image to the right to give online. The lower right button takes you to a page that will allow you to subscribe for prayer updates while we are in Colombia.

In His Service,


P.S. for those of you with those fancy cell phones that scan things,
you can sign up for e-mail updates with the image below:
QR code - DRAMA Ministry Colombia Mission Prayer Updates


Still at it




Hello friends,
Just wanted to update you on what DRAMA has been up to, as well as share a few pictures. (If you’re reading this via email and can’t see the images, try visiting our site’s blog).

The weekend before last was our leadership retreat followed by a Sunday evening outreach in Anneville, pa with team epsilon at Zion E.C. Church. That Monday saw team alpha at Fairgrounds Mall presenting the gospel in partnership with Thunder Outreach Ministries. Then, this past Sunday both teams were on stage again – alpha at Buffalo Valley Church of the Brethren in Mifflinberg,pa and epsilon at St. Paul E.C. Church in York, pa.

Saturday our beta team heads out to Morrisdale, pa to do some service work with our dear friends at God’s Clear View Ministries. Pray for us that we would have safe travel, that we might be a blessing and that the team would grow in unity as they serve together.

God Bless,





Well friends, DRAMA is now on the return phase of our trip. We thoroughly enjoyed our time in Muskegan with the Neville’s. The turnout for the workshop wasn’t huge but those that came did a great job. We’ll have to make a point of returning before too long. I think something will start there.

Tonight we’re back at NTBI, and an opportunity to share in their Thursday chapel has opened up to us, so be in prayer for that and for our journey home.

Thanks & God bless,