Brittany: Ankle is still hurting
Has a job interview at Cherry Crest this week
That she would hear back from Chick-fil-A about a job
Caleb: For school
Praise! Got more hours at work
Hannah: To have a good attitude about work
Jaybin: For motivation in school
Jesse: Has poison ivy
For his surgery on Friday
For his Bible study and math test
Kayla: Neck is hurting after jumping on the trampoline
Mom (aka, Mrs. Fellenbaum): For Jesse’s surgery, as she has to go with him alone this time
Rachael: Exhausted from working so much, for energy and sustainability
A member from her old church (Kim) had cancer and passed away Monday night, for her grieving family and church
Praise! Student orientation at Cairn went well
FAFSA is being revised, and if it’s the Lord will, that she would get more financial aid
Praise! Because of the rain, had two days off from work
Selena: Has been procrastinating contacting people at LBC and Hacc about classes for next year, for motivation to do that
Prayer/Praise! Traveled to Delaware for great-uncle’s funeral, praise for safe travels but prayer for grieving relatives
Tim: Joel and Beth are moving to Oklahoma, for transition
Trent: Prayer/Praise! School is wrapping up
Have a marvelous week!