I have nothing interesting to say, so here are the applications for this week.
Rachael: have faith that God will provide a home, pray when she gets worked up about it
Scott: have faith in work situation
Trent: have faith that God can use interactions with friends and family for God’s glory
Jesse: have faith that God will use him on the soccer field as a Christian witness
That group apparently had applications about faith… good job, I guess? IDk
Emily W: not judge my co-workers this week, pray for them instead (judge them next week emily;P and google says I spelled your name wrong)
Tyler: be nice to his siblings, pray for them
Emily S: Beats herself up about stuff, try not to do that
Jaybin: Tends to judge some of the people at church, pray for them (google thinks your name is spelled wrong too)
That group had prayer applications, except for Emily S.
Terran: trusting God with his schoolwork that there is a purpose
Caleb: faith that God has a plan for his life, be in prayer and do devotions
Maria: faith that God would help her use her talents
Selena: not judging others based on outward appearance but look at their heart motives, be aware when “doing it” and pray
I’m not sure that there was a common theme here…
Hannah: trust God with future
Tim: has been disagreeable with another preacher (hey, I’m just writing what Hannah wrote down), be kinder to pastors (that sounds like a good life application;P)
Mrs. Smoker: trust God with raising teenagers
Yours Truly: trust God with college/career search