Tired but Happy

Hello Friends!

Sorry the updates are coming slow. The wifi is out here at Children’s Vision so I’m doing this on low speed data over a cell phone. That and we’ve run a crazy schedule!

Cement day went great and finished ahead of schedule. The rest of the team has pounded through a ton of work in the CVII warehouse sorting ministry resources as well as helping get the kids fitted with new clothes and uniforms. I (Tim) have been busy on the construction site and didn’t get pics of the others.

Today (Saturday) we’re on break, did some site seeing and generally just resting up. Tomorrow we’ll take the kids to church and out for a special meal. Then it’s back to the crazy schedule of service work in the day and team training in the evening. Things are going really well!

By grace,


In Colombia and Running

Hello friends!

The DRAMA Colombia team arrived safely in Bogota Monday afternoon. Since then we’ve been busy helping Children’s Vision with everything to uniforms and new clothes to (the older ones on the team) helping on the construction site of CVII’s newest building. We also get to train the local team every afternoon and evening. They impressed us with how well they were already doing, so we’re trying to push them further than we’ve ever taken them before!

Pray for us as our schedule is super full with lots of training and work. Everyone is doing well,but we’d still appreciate prayer for strength and endurance. Also, Friday will be a cement pouring day for those on the construction site and we anticipate that to be a lot of work and it has to be completed in one day! Pray for that!

God bless!


Support DRAMA Going to Colombia!

Colombia 2019Hello Friends!
DRAMA is heading back to Bogota, Colombia again and our team is raising support!

DRAMA Ministry (www.dramateam.org) is a local Christian youth discipleship ministry that uses mime to present the Gospel. This winter from February 2 through 15, 2019, we are leading a team to Bogota, Colombia to partner with Children’s Vision International Inc. (www.childrensvision.org). CVII takes abandoned, abused, and high-risk infants and small children from the street to provide twenty-four hour a day, seven days a week care. This includes a home, food, clothing, education, recreation, and full medical attention.

The trip starts on February 2, when we will begin training and we hope to arrive in Colombia and start ministry by February 4. From there our base of operations will be Children’s Vision’s guest house in the city of Bogota. We will be working primarily right in CVII’s homes and school with the children and youth who live there. DRAMA has helped the CVII children to start their own discipleship team in the past which has since grown done mission work of its own. This trip will focus on strengthening and equipping them for ministry further ministry and training new members that are ready join. Along with training and outreach opportunities alongside the local team, our team will also help with work projects around the CVII property including construction projects underway to expand their ministry capacity.

For this trip to happen our team needs to raise some money and will need a lot of prayer cover. Each member is striving to raise $1,300 toward their travel expenses. Any extra one raises will help ensure the whole team reaches its goal. There is information for giving at the bottom of this letter.

Prayer is even more essential than funds in an undertaking of this nature. We covet prayers for our team the work being done throughout the trip. There will be so many opportunities for the Gospel to go out or for things to go wrong that we know it is absolutely vital that the heart and hand of God be sought on our behalf. So this e-mail/blog post is meant to invite you to partner with us in finance and in prayer for the Colombia 2019 Trip. If you’re reading this in an e-mail form sent from DRAMA, then you are already setup to get updates while we travel – please use them as reminders to pray. If you want to be added to our list – just e-mail tim@dramateam.org and we’ll get you setup.

If you would like to support the team financially you can send a check written out to DRAMA Ministry to the address below. Please include a note mentioning which team member you intended to support:
DRAMA Ministry, 241 Blimline Rd. Mohnton Pa. 19540

You can also donate online by clicking on any of the images below:

(If the images aren’t displaying, click here)

DRAMA Banquet – April 25!

Hello Friends!

Spread the word – it’s nearly time to have your RSVP in for DRAMA’s annual fundraising banquet.  The deadline for sign-up is April 4th. All the details are on our sign-up page here:

Banquet RSVP

This is a great event to hear about what DRAMA is all about, how God has been at work this last year and to support Christ-centered discipleship of young people in Lancaster County, nationally and even internationally. See you there!

RSVP to DRAMA's Banquet!

DRAMA in Nepal

Hello friends!

I’ve put a few posts up on Facebook, but for the rest of our friends who don’t follow along that way, it seemed like about time for an update. Plus I’ll post more description here.

Our team safely arrived in Dharan, Nepal after quite the long journey and has begun to minister to EC Nepal churches that are gathering for their national conference. It’s certainly an interesting element for us to have our “team” include the heads of the EC Church in Nepal, India, Japan and the US.

Yesterday the conference began and today we’ll possibly begin to do workshops with the youth. The presentations so far have been very well received.

Pray for us, as the group we get to train looks to be over 100 in size, so space confines and keeping the process organized with language barriers will be tricky. But what an opportunity!

Attached are some pictures. God bless!


Heads of the EC Church India, USA, Japan and Nepal.
Heads of the EC Church India, USA, Japan and Nepal.



DRAMA to Nepal

Nepal Baptism

Hello Friends!

DRAMA has the opportunity to send a few of it’s leadership to Nepal next month from November 4-14. We’ll be partnering with The Evangelical Congregational Church of Nepal to share in their Annual Conference and help launch a Youth Track where we can equip and train youth from the national churches to use mime for evangelism and also encourage them in discipleship. I (Tim) and six of my leaders make up the team. We’ve already been support raising and a majority of the funds have come in, but we’re not quite there yet. If you’d be willing to give toward this effort, it’d make a difference. There is a button below that you can use, or you can simply mail us a check made out to DRAMA Ministry with a note saying it’s for Nepal and send it to  241 Blimline Rd., Mohnton, PA 19540.

Team: Tim King, Alex High, Becky High, Emily Weaver, Joseph Queen, John Moore, Scott Douglass.

Link for online giving:

We’ll post updates as we go, if you’re reading this on our blog, they’ll be posted there. If you’re reading this in an e-mail, our blog posts are already being sent to you. You’ll get to follow along already. If you’d like to get e-mail updates, just drop me a note at tim@dramateam.org and I’ll add you to our list.

God Bless!

Catching Up on Colombia!

Hello Friends,
Our Colombian team hit some technical difficulties, so the pots below were intended for Friday. Read them from that angle. 🙂

From Phil:
Hello from Colombia. Thanks to Karen Weaver’s generous offer of sending out our updates, Michael and myself have been blessed with one less thing to do this trip. Since a director’s list of responsibilities can get quite long, we are grateful for this. Since we are now about halfway through the trip I thought it would be good to have a director update. I know you know most of the details from Karen’s updates so I will just give a couple of my thoughts.
The team has been doing really well. They have had great attitudes in dealing with what has been a fairly tiring schedule and with dealing with many head colds and some reactions to either water or food. They have also done a great job of persevering through the work projects and mime teaching times with the local team. They have also been eager to jump into things. From my point of view the team seems to be bonding well and the discussion from each Bible study has had depth. This team is solid. I have been so blessed by the maturity and responsibility of the group. Those of you who are parents have a lot of which to be proud. For Hannah and I with two young boys and with Michael and Alisha learning to lead an international trip, this team has been a blessing. This is a great team to take on a trip with these factors.
Michael and Alisha are also doing really well. While Hannah and I are seeking to pass on whatever we can, it is clear that Michael and Alisha are ready for this. They have done a great job of taking leadership and running large parts of this trip. They are learning to work together in leadership and have facilitated opportunities for others to learn and grow.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. Tomorrow and Sunday will be somewhat out of the ordinary compared to the rest of our trip. Tomorrow we will be doing a “mountain mission” which includes gospel outreach and handing out care packets to some very poor Colombians on the other side of Bogota. Sunday we will be presenting at a local church here in Bogota. Please pray for us with these opportunities. Specifically pray for Michael and Alex as they will both be speaking by way of interpreter to the folks at the “mountain mission.” This is a new opportunity for them and also a great chance to learn. Thanks again for your prayers.


From Karen (written Sunday):
Hello! An apology to all the mothers – the internet was down yesterday, so we were unable to post an update.
Yesterday was an interesting day! We piled into the bus along with the Children’s Vision drama team and headed across the city to do an evangelistic outreach in a very poor part of the city. We set up in an outdoor plaza. Our team performed four mimes, and the CV team also presented four mimes. The event drew a large crowd of onlookers. Richard, the director of CV, shared the gospel and gave an invitation. A number of people responded and prayed to receive the gift of salvation!
After the drama presentation, we handed out 150 care packets to the needy. Some of the girls had packed these bundles the day before. They included warm clothing, hygiene products, and toys. The people were very grateful for the gifts.
We spent the afternoon “playing tourist”. We visited an Indian market where we were able to purchase souvenirs. After an hour of shopping, we piled back onto the bus and drove a series of twisting switchbacks up a steep mountainside. At 11,000 feet, we were rewarded with an incredible view of the city. Yet despite the expansive view, we were told it was only an eighth of the city.
Our bus driver dropped us off at the mall, and we ate supper at the food court. Yum! Burgers and Papa John’s pizza were a delicious treat after a week of chicken and rice! We walked several blocks back to our guest house, finally arriving home at 9:30 after a tiring but fun day.

Return to Colombia!

colombia.missionDRAMA Ministry is heading back to partner with our sister teams in Colombia from February 4 through 15, 2017. The teams are in Bogota, Colombia and run as a part of Children’s Vision International Inc. (www.childrensvision.org). CVII takes abandoned, abused, and high-risk infants and small children from the streets to provide twenty-four hour a day, seven days a week care. This includes a home, food, clothing, education, recreation, and full medical attention.

The trip starts on February 4, when we will begin training and we hope to arrive in Colombia and start ministry by February 6. From there our base of operations will be Children’s Vision’s guest house in the city of Bogota. We will be working primarily right in CVII’s homes and school with the children and youth who live there. DRAMA has helped the CVII children to start their own discipleship team in the past which has since grown into two teams. This trip will focus on strengthening and equipping them for further ministry. Along with training and outreach opportunities alongside the local team, our team will also help with work projects around the CVII property.

For this trip to happen our team needs to raise some money and will need a lot of prayer cover. Each member is striving to raise $1,200 toward the travel expenses. Prayer is even more essential than funds in an undertaking of this nature. If you’d like to join us in either or both capacities, we’d be glad to count you as a part of our Colombia team.  Below are two buttons, one for giving online toward our trip and the other is to add your name to our e-mail list for the trip. If you already get regular e-mails from DRAMA, you’re already included. If you’d like to give via snail mail, just send a check made out to DRAMA Ministry to 241 Blimline Rd., Mohnton, PA 19540 and include a note indicating it’s for the Colombia trip and (optionally) which team member you are sponsoring.

Delta LAMS Outreach

Delta had a outreach at L.A.M.S (Lancaster Area Mennonite School).

We got to present to grades from kindergarten through 9th grade.


We did the mime Alive!                                                                           img_5976                                                                                    Team Delta

img_5915                                                                                   Our director and ADs Trent, Rachael and Jaybin did a great job speaking.

Your Brother in Christ,



Hi Delta!

This is a test e-mail of our e-mail list for team Delta. You can safely disregard this e-mail… unless it’s in your spam box. Then you should probably move it to your inbox. Thank you, that is all.

Rachael says, “Welcome to team Delta!”
So does Selena.
Tim should not have e-mail privileges.

Warm Regards,
Tim, Selena and Rachael.