Delta Prayer Requests for 9.20.16

Here are the prayer requests and praises for this past week!

Brittany: – Her younger sister is thinking about joining DRAMA in the spring and will be visiting practice soon. 🙂 – Her family is getting stressed about having the two little ones running around, so they are hoping to find a place for Navea to go.

Hannah: – Going to Grove City for a college interview! – Her hip has been hurting so she has been unable to run and train for the invitational coming up. – She decided to drop a class to allow more time in her schedule. – Her sister Sarah has a twisted foot and has to use crutches.

Connor: -He injured his foot. – Is also doing a college interview this weekend for Grove City. – Also decided to drop a class to allow for more flexibility in schedule.

Caleb: – He has to quit his job because of the smoke there and will tell his boss on Thursday. – That he would be able to find a mime paint that can handle being outside before next outreach. – There is mold in the house and they are trying to get rid of it.

Kayla: – To be patient with Carly in cross country. – Her grandparents are not doing well. Her grandma fell  and her grandpa is having other health issues too. – Praise! She got medicine for her depression and it has been helping. But also pray that she’ll remember to take them.

Trent: Praise! He and Rachael are dating! But pray for them as they figure out what being in a relationship looks like. – He is taking care of the ATM at work this week.

Jesse: -Praise! He is recovering from a sickness that he had. He is also very happy that he threw up for the first time ever…. Praise! He has been able to run well, but he injured his knee.

Jaybin: Praise! Lenita was safe during the bombings in NYC. Praise! He got his first contract for plowing which will provide work over the winter.

Rachael: Ditto to the praise about dating Trent. 🙂 – Has been really exhausted and needs to find time to rest. – Her sister Sarah is trying to find an organization to serve refugees with.

Abby: – To remember to think about today and enjoy it instead of always thinking about the future.

See you all on Tuesday!

September 13th Prayer Requests

Hey Team!

Sorry I’m late getting them out this week, but here are the prayer requests from this past Tuesday. Some of them pertain to things that already happened, but I still put them all in so you can remember what your team mates are/were up to and how to pray. 🙂

Jaybin: Lenita is at NYSUM for the next 6 weeks.

Caleb: Pulled a muscle in his leg.

Selena: Praise! She is starting to get into a routine for school. Sprouts started up on Wednesday, with 19 Sprouts! Pray for the leaders. Presentation for Psych on Thursday.

Connor: Praise! Work is going better. But he has a lot of schoolwork to catch up on.

Brittany: Praise! Her ankle is doing a lot better and she can mime again! They watch her nieces every day and it creates some extra stress to have them running around.

Kayla: Praise! Her toe is feeling better! It’s still just a little sore though. Has had some sort of stomach issue and is unable to eat properly because of it. To have patience with the girl on her CC team.

Hannah: Praise! She got hired at Sheets! And Rita’s is closing for the season so she won’t have to juggle two jobs.

Rachael: Worked a lot last week and needs to find time to rest. Still needs to figure out what to do about work as harvest winds back down.

Jesse: He runs with a new CC runner who isn’t a Christian and wants to witness/be an example to him. His school is crazy at the moment. His church wants him to lead an 8 week study on Matthew and he has to give them an answer soon.

Mrs. Martin: Her coworker, Jessica, is moving to AZ and it’s going to be a full car!





8.30.16 Prayer Requests

Hey Folks!

I wanted to say thank you every one for your openness in prayer time! There are so many ways to be praying for each other this week!

Brittany: Ankle is still bothering her, but she is going to see a doctor this week. As school is starting, she wants to have a good attitude about her studies.

Connor: He desires wisdom as he decides whether or not to stay at Sheetz or return to the farm. This past week his Dad went back to school as well, which creates additional stress at home.

Trent: To be diligent with a routine and his school work to avoid procrastination. His classes are going well though! His mom had surgery for her kidney stones, which went well, but pray for quick healing as she is home resting now.

Caleb: He is traveling to VA for a conference with Tim this weekend; Tim is also speaking at it. It’s been hard for him to start school since his mom hasn’t been feeling well, but that he would start now that she is home.

Rachael: Safety as she travels to Ohio with her sister this weekend. For her to have courage as she calls her brother, and also pray for her brother Ben in Argentina as it’s been hard for him lately.

Hannah: She got a job at Rita’s! With school starting she is diving into all her classes, so pray she won’t be stressed, but will be diligent.

Kayla: Her toe is still swollen, but she has returned to CC and work. She’s also picked up a cold. She met a girl on CC and wants to witness to her, as well as the whole team.

Jaybin: Wants to witness to the guys at Votech, but it’s hard because they don’t respect God’s name. He’s in school during the day now, so he needs to find time to work in his busy schedule. Lenita went back to Elim!

Terran: He needs to be willing to give up working as much as he is currently so he can start school.

Jesse: He is going to start school next Tuesday, but he has a lot of preparation to do before classes start.

Abby: To have patience with her sister.

Selena: She is starting a lot of classes this week. In order to keep up with all of them, she can’t procrastinate.

I’ll see you all in a week and a half! Take care till then. 🙂

Prayer Requests for the Session

Hello my team!

I hope you are all recovering from the soreness of training camp. I felt like an old granny on Thursday, and I wasn’t even miming very much! Anyways, in the middle of all those mimes, we had time to share prayer requests for this upcoming session. Well, here they are! I hope you will take the time to pray for your team mates and encourage each other as we all grow and learn new things this fall!

Trent: College classes are starting up again. Pray for peace as he follows God’s will even though it is different than he imagined.

Caleb: He and all the Sprouts leaders are still looking for a practice location for Sprouts, which is starting up soon. There are a lot of kids on the team, so pray the leaders won’t be overwhelmed.

Rachael: Figuring out what life after high school looks like. To still maintain a diligence in whatever she is doing and accept God’s grace in her life.

Selena: To not be overwhelmed with school starting, as she is taking more classes outside of the home. Pray also that she will find time for her devotions in the busy schedule.

Jaybin: He does not want to be wrongly influenced by the guys at Votech, but rather to set a godly example and share Christ with them.

Kayla: She has a number of classes for her senior year, and she wants to be a light to her fellow classmates. Also, that her foot would heal quickly so she can keep running in cross country.

Abby: She is entering high school and facing a lot of choices that will have long term effects, and desires to make those choices with wisdom.

Connor: Has to decide what college he wants to go to and fill out applications, which is a lot of work. He is also starting a new job at Sheetz and scheduling will be difficult.

Hannah:  As a senior she has a lot of classes and extra curricular activities to keep up with and there is potential for a lot of stress, so pray that she will have peace through it. She, like Connor, is also filling out college applications.

Jesse: He wants to be diligent in cross country and his school work. That can be hard because he is easily distracted by other things.

Brittany: She also desires to be diligent in her school work as school starts up. Her ankle has been bothering her lately, so pray that it will completely heal soon.

Terran: He needs to be diligent in his school work and get good grades this year.

Everyone: Most of us shared a desire to keep our language clean while living in the middle of a world that swears and uses our Lord’s name in vain without thought.

I’ll see you all at our first practice (!!) on Tuesday!



Beta Prayer Requests 3/17

Caleb: His left hand is becoming dominant and it is discombobulating for him. He is also looking for a job.

Mrs. Gerlach: Praise! Co-op for next year is finalized. She also got a lot of grading done. ~Wisdom for planning next school year.

Jesse: Praise! He finished his writing course! He is still doing the 1 year Bible, but it is becoming just an item on a to do list. Visiting Patrick Henry College this past Friday (the 20th)

Jaybin: Praise! He knows what he is for school next year. Wisdom as he is trying to figure out his summer plans.

Connor: Latin is hard for him but he needs to keep doing it.

Rachael: That spring break will be restful but productive.

Scott: Praise! School has been going well!

Tim: Praise! His church plant had it’s first service! However, his Sunday’s are really busy and he needs to reduce roll in York church, and he needs wisdom on how to do that. Also, as he looks to the future of where the church can meet other than his living room. Praise! Alpha had two outreaches and both went really well.

Michael: His back hurts from his old bed.


Clermont Elementary Release Time

DRAMA may be out of session at the moment, but sharing the gospel is never out of session, and so, when we had the opportunity to go present at this release time, we pulled together a team and jumped into a car! Well, three cars, actually.

But that is jumping ahead. Backing up a bit, we spent the morning running over the mimes we wanted to share. We could all tell that God was with us, for the team worked well together and it went very quickly, and we ended up with an extra half hour! The extra time enabled us to sit together and spending a chunk of time just praying for the kids who’d be coming to the release time and for God’s will to be had over the whole event. Often we’re crunched for time and don’t have that chance, and so having it was a blessing.

Then we hopped into the cars and headed for the outreach! We arrived well before the kids were supposed to come, so we set ourselves up and then got to hang out and laugh together for a while. It was quite amazing that even though this team was only for today, there was wonderful unity among us.

Every kid was given a dozen high fives when they walked through the door, and then they sang some songs, and we hopped on stage to share the gospel. It was a huge blessing to get to carry the most powerful message and show it to these elementary kids in a way they can understand. In between songs, different ones of us introduced the song to give them a better idea of what to expect, to help make sure they would understand it, and not get lost in all the motions and movement.

Afterwords, the kids broke up into little groups, and we slipped in to listen before we left. It is always neat to hear how the kids respond, and to see what God is teaching them. It was so wonderful to have been used by God at this outreach and to Him be all the glory for it!



Halloween Alternative Event

With Halloween this year, we had a really fun chance to attend a Halloween alternative hosted by Conestoga Church of the Brethern. We arrived before the kids to put on our mime paint and get set up.

When the kids arrived, we dispersed among them and had a lot of fun stroll miming, that is, playing with them and being goofy. We tried to interact with the kids costumes too. We’d follow the ones dressed as shepherds around like sheep, or waddle behind a penguin costume, or bounce bouncy balls with them. The kids really enjoyed it, and so when we went onto the stage to perform a short presentation, they were all really eager to watch, along with their parents.

Then we went back to stroll miming, and after a while we had a second presentation for those who had been arriving. We were there all evening and had so much fun being creative. At the end, they gave us each little bags of candy, which we snacked on while we took off our paint and hung out as we waited for our rides to arrive.

It was so much fun getting to interact with all the kids on their own leave — there’s no limit to how goofy you can be while you have mime paint on! — and I really hope and pray that they were able to see the message behind our antics.

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Community Methodist Church Outreach

On October 19, Team Beta had the opportunity to go to Community Methodist Church and present the message of the cross.  We had a half hour long van ride up to the church, which is always fun hangout time. Our director was unable to be there that evening, and so the parents of some of the members drove us.

We got there just before supper, and found that they had prepared a meal for us and all those who were attending. It was a really neat chance to talk with and get to know those who had come out for the evening. There were several kids who had come with their parents, and they had a lot of fun chasing us around and playing with us.

One thing that was particularly awesome to see at this outreach was seeing the two assistant directors on our team step up in our directors absence. During our presentation, which really focused on the meaning and important of the cross, they were the two who had to verbally present the gospel along with our mimes. I know that it was a stretching experience for the both of them, and as a member, it was so cool to watch them grow.

After our presentation we hurried to take our paint off so that we’d have more time to talk with the people. We made it back out in time to have fun half hour conversations with them. It was really fun to get off the stage and be able to do some talking with the audience instead of being in front of them the whole time.

Once most everyone had headed home, our team packed up our stuff and jumped back in the van. On the way home, we decided to stop for some ice cream and have an impromptu hangout time, which was really fun. Over all, the entire outreach went incredibly well and I felt like God was really working through it. 🙂

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Bethany E.C. Outreach

Team Beta got to have their first outreach of the session  at Ebenezer E.C. on September 29th.

We all got there early, before the service started, to set up and practice and have time to pray. When the congregation started arriving for Sunday school, we all split up and went to Sunday school with them. We don’t always get to go to the Sunday school when we present at churches, and so it was a fun chance to meet the church members.

After the Sunday school hour ended, they went right into the service. Our director had been filling in as pastor there during the month prior, and our presentation helped to sum up the different topics he’d been preaching on, centering on discipleship. When the service ended, many of the people hung around to talk with us (we did not wear paint at this outreach). Everyone was so willing to talk and engage us, and it was a neat experience to met those people whom I would never have met otherwise.

Before we left, our team went outside to take some team pictures and have fun being a little crazy. Praise God for such an amazing opportunity to share his Word!

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