Good Friday Presentation!

Hello Everyone!

The church that Tim pastors up in York is putting on a presentation for the community on Good Friday and they would love it if we could present a few mimes as part of the presentation! The presentation is a reproduction of the crucifixion story and is a great event to support so we are trying to see if a team or a response team is willing to head up to help out. So please check your calendars to see if Friday, April 14th from 4 PM till 9:30 PM at Saint Paul E.C. Church 450 W. King St., York, PA 17401. We will possibly have carpooling options for those traveling up. Please respond by this Thursday to to let us know if you can make it or if you can’t.




We’re Moving!

Hello Delta!

God has provided a house for us to move to back in the Denver/Ephrata area so this Thursday after 5pm and Friday after 3pm we will be packing things up and moving! We would greatly appreciate any help! We will provide sandwiches as well! Our current house is at 825 Beaver Valley Pike, Lancaster 17602. Please let my parents know if and when you plan on coming at or 717-368-3895. Thanks so much and I’ll see you all at practice!


Friends and Family Presentation

Hello DRAMA family!

Sunday the 13th at 6pm DRAMA will be having our Friends and Family Presentation at Mohn’s Hill E. C. (708 Mohn’s Hill Road Reading, PA 19608). This evening is a great chance to see what DRAMA is doing as a ministry and to fellowship with everyone! All are invited so please come out and invite others to watch the teams preform mimes and recap some things that we have been learning this session! After the presentation, everyone is invited to stay for snacks and refreshments. We are excited to share what God has been doing through DRAMA this session and we look forward to seeing you there!

In Christ,


Joshua’s Hands Outreach

Delta had a outreach at the Joshua Hands Festival down in Virginia on Saturday. Due to the rain we had to share one of the barns with “Kingdom Kidz”. We had a blast with them, because some of us got to help them with their presentation! The mimes that we did were- Awesome God, Propitiation, Healing Begins, Watch the Lamb, Savior, Alive.


Possible Outreach

Hi Everybody!

I hope all your labor day weekends went well and were relaxing! Delta has a possible outreach at Willow Valley Retirement Home in early November so I want to get your feedback on if that would work for you! So check your calendars for November 3rd, 4th, and 10th from 4:30pm to 8pm and let me know which days work best for you! Please get back to me by this Sunday. See you all next week!

In Christ,


Delta App reminder! 8/30/16

HI Delta.

This is the application reminder! Where is a place in your life that you have doubt and how are you going to replace it with faith?

The application was: Where is a place in your life that you have doubt and how are you going to replace it with faith?

Abby- Surrendering physics to God.

Caleb- Going to trust that my relationship can be healed with my father.

Iron man/Connor- Doubting what is a godly decision about Work if he should stay or go.

Hannah- Trusting God has the future, specifically about college.

Jaybin- Trusting that God can bring his brother back to God.

Jesse-Finding his identity in God, not running.

Kayla-Trusting that God has future educational and life goals under control.

Rachael- Trusting  that God can change her’s brother heart.

Trent- Trusting that God can use him at work to share the Gospel with

his coworkers.

The hot pink hippo is now wearing a wooden tutu;)

Your Bro in Christ, Caleb




DRAMA Fall Session 2016!


Here is the information needed for participation in this Fall’s DRAMA teams. Applications for them can be printed off the DRAMA website under the documents page or filled out online (p:// Helper applications are also available on the website ( In any case, all applications must be received by August 8th in order to be accepted into the Fall session. Please send your applications to Bev Weaver (438 Staver Rd, Reinholds Pa 17569) along with your $40 session fee. If this creates financial difficulty, please contact Tim as there are scholarships available. An alternate, older-youth application is available online. This application is for members whose parents deem them mature enough for a deeper challenge.

This coming Fall session there may be enough members for Beta to split to create a third team, in addition to Alpha and Beta. We will confirm to you whether or not this is happening by August 13th.  On the back, we have listed the pre-booked outreaches for this session.  The first scenario is if we only have two teams, and the second scenario for if there are three teams. Each team’s outreaches will be confirmed by August 13th. If we have a third team, practice times and locations will be the same as Beta.

Parents Meetings and meals: in order for a youth to participate in this session, regardless of how long they have been on a team, at least one parent must attend one of the parent meetings listed below or make special arrangements with Tim (717-951-2518). Please bring your calendars for scheduling purposes. There will also be a sign-up for training camp meals. Parents of new members do not need to attend these meetings, but are welcome and may find them helpful. Fall parent meeting dates are:

  • Saturday, July 30th 9-11am at Karen Weaver’s house (610 Owl Hill Rd, Lititz Pa 17543)
  • Saturday, August 6th 9-11am at Bev Weaver’s House (438 Staver Rd, Reinholds Pa 17569)

Training Camp will be held at the Conestoga Church of the Brethren: Monday, August 22nd @ 8:00am, through Wednesday, August 24th @ 8:00pm (141 E Main St, Leola, PA 17540).

Session Duration: Training Camp through Tuesday, December 13th. See back of letter for pre-booked outreaches.

Team practice days and locations. Both teams will be meeting in the evening this coming session.

  • Alpha: Mondays, 6:30-9:00pm @ Terre Hill (Terre Hill BFC.: 407 W. Main St., Terre Hill Pa 17581)
  • Beta: Tuesdays, 6:30-9:00pm @ Lancaster (Faith Church: 2124 Old Philadelphia Pk, Lancaster Pa, 17602)
  • **If we have a third team, practice times and locations will be the same as Beta.

As this is the Fall session, there will be two Bible study workshops at Otterbein United Methodist Church (20 East Clay Street, Lancaster Pa). Every current member is required to attend one of them.

  • Basic Bible Study Workshop, Saturday, September 10th, 9am – 2pm.
  • Basic Bible Study Workshop Saturday, September 24th, 9am – 2pm.

Also, with the start of a new school year, Release and Liability forms need to be re-done. These can be found on our website under the Documents page (  Please have these notarized and sent to Bev Weaver with your payment and application (if you are doing one in paper form) by August 8th.

Other opportunities:

Sprouts: DRAMA is planning on having one Sprouts team (youth ages 8 to 12) this fall. This session will be from September 14th to December 7th, with two weeks off. Sprouts will meet on Wednesdays from 2-4pm in the Brownstown area (exact location TBA). Sprouts has one pre-booked outreach for the evening of November 30th at Hope Rescue Mission in Reading.

Needed: Ipods of any kind, new or used, that are 6GB or more. We are reaching a season of having multiple directors, and to remain flexible as a ministry we would like to supply each director with an Ipod for ministry use. If you feel led to donate in this way, please contact Tim King.

Prayer Requests/Praises 3/24/15

Hi Beta!

Here are this week’s prayer time requests and praises.


-Outreach at CTK April 3rd

-Alisha and Emily are back!



-Praise! Alisha is home!


-Praise/request- Christ House has made it through two meetings and we already has a guest family come last week! Prayer that God would provide for possible space issues.

-He will be teaching this Friday for a young adult group. That he and the group would not get bogged down only in the details of the study but would be able to find applicable things  to their lives in the passages.


-Is feeling sick from the pressure of helping to lead preparations for a speech TIP is doing.

-Her car needs inspected and she is writing an article for her friend’s magazine.


-Praise! Vist to Patrick Henry College went well!


-For energy in his program and his classes


-For his rashs which are thankfully not Chicken Pox


-There is a parasite on his younger sister Sarah’s

-For Mrs. Fellenbaum as she manages helping their grandparents move up here, schoolwork, and life in general


-Behind on some of his school work

-Praise! Passed his drivers test!


-That he would use his time well with his busy work schedule

-That he would start to take steps to plan out this next Fall, most likely going to Argentina


-Praise! Has been able to keep up with school work and that he would be able to continue to do that.


-For my Grandmother as she is going through emotional stress

Mrs. Gerlach

-Her eyes have been irritated


-For her schoolwork

Au revoir!




Beta Prayer Requests/Praises 12/21/14

Hi Beta!

So for the last prayer requests of the session! (Oh and do not seem to have the requests of Hannah, Rachael, and Kayla sorry about that.)


-Praise!-Peter’s surgery went well and they only had to repair the valve. Also pray for patience for Peter as he heals.

– That Scott would keep up his spirtual disciplines during the off session time


-Praise! School is going well

-Has struggled with feeling down this last week


-To take small steps for future problems and to learn to take responsibility for own actions


-Praise! Reading in school is going well

-That he would extend grace to his grand-father

-That Christmas family get-togethers would go well


-To be diligent with his school


-That he would keep at church stuff but accept God’s pace for it

-Praise! Good fellowship with his church is in at right now


-For peace in his new relationship responsibilities and to learn how to stay at peace

-Is feeling worn out. Needs to learn to trust God with new things and to intentionally pursue fellowship


-Has been really tired. Self-control to go to bed on time.

-For her youth group’s play. Wisdom to know what parts to try out for this Sunday and for good attitudes.


-Trying to make decisions about the future. Wisdom and patience for God’s timing


-That she would not stress out about all the busyness coming up.

-For peace and a patience about her decision about which job she is persuing in the Spring


-Having an exchange student over Christmas. So for patience as she is sharing a bedroom with her sister. And that God would prepare the hearts of the Gerlachs and the student.

-That she would use her free time wisely over the holidays


-To look into with college and internship options

-That I would not be quick to judge Caleb or others

Feliz Navidad!


Beta Prayer Requests/Praises 12/4/14

Hello Beta!


-Alpha is having an outreach this Saturday. Also that the bus would work.

-For Mikey and Alisha as they start their relationship


-Praise/Prayer-Her Dad is home from the hospital. Pray for rest and less stress for him and for the doctors to know more about what his illness is.

-For Janelle that she would recover from the trama of seeing her Dad go through that.


-Peter’s heart surgery is this week. That the doctors would be able to just repair his valve and not have to replace it. Also that Peter wouldn’t be bored for the month that he has to rest after the surgery.


-For family dynamics to go well at Christmas and for a good kind of chaos 🙂

-For wisdom as he works through the orientation process.


-For our hobbit in New Zealand who is coming back on Dec. 4th

-That Emily would be able to find a job at Meadows Creamery if that is God’s will.


-That he wouldn’t be stressed out and tired.

-Pray for his relationship with Alisha. That they would have clear communication and would not be a distraction but a help to others.


-Praise/Prayer-Conversation with his brother David went well. His brother is still willing to talk with him.


-That a ministry for kids whose parents are in jail that they are involved in would go well.


-Stressed with her decision between DRAMA and Bible quizzing.

-Praise! Caught up with schoool


-That she would balance her time well.


-Praise/Prayer-Going to Grenada from Jan. 23-Feb. 1 and is going to teach a few mime songs!


-Praise!-Caught up in school!


-That he would be diligent in his school work though the holiday season.


-For family dynamics at Christmas time. Especially for the family get-together we are hosting.

Au revoir,
