Announcements 5/5

5/10 Newville: meet @ Giant center @ 7:15 am. We will be back between 1 and 1:30. Maroon shirts, black pants, etc. No paint :(, but girls make sure hair is pulled back. Song list: Awesome God, Healing, Go

5/12 after practice: be back @ 7:30. Oakleaf dishwasher water shirts, blue jeans. Song list: Unstoppable, Freedom, Healing

5/16 Carlos and Migdalia






Application Reminder 4/28/15

What will you count as rubbish for Christ? [not putting confidence in yourself]

Mikey: his ability to direct

Jaybin: in his jobs

Emily: with her schedule- not to worry but pray and give it to God

Trent: thinking on his own

Jesse: Praising God for his personality not himself

Rachael: in writing, to pray first and remember her talent comes from God

Alisha: in her mothering abilities, her value in Michael’s eyes

Caleb: in thinking he’s more righteous than his dad

Hannah: in her grades in school not to rely only on them

Selena: in her abilities to plan

Sorry if I missed your app I didn’t have everyone’s written down, but you should have your sticky note!



Beta Prayer Requests 4/29/15

Hey Beta, I meant to say this on Tuesday, but I noticed that we have a lot of praises this week, so I thought that was worth pointing out. We can praise God for that too! 🙂 See you all on Tuesday! Oh, and here are the rest of the prayer requests and praises…

Caleb: Praise! His study went well. And his writing and spelling has gotten better. -Wisdom on his relationship with his dad.

Mikey: Praise! Getting a lot more work. But makes for more complicated scheduling. -For his sister Emily as she is graduating soon; wisdom and peace as she considers options for after graduation.

Alisha: Speaking at the outreach. -Her brother and his wife just recently moved.

Mr. Douglass: Praise! Peter got a good report from the heart doctor. -That the Lord would continue to bless the session.

Jaybin: Biology test coming up; not to put confidence in himself but in God. -Praise! Last week’s application went well.

Everyone: Praise! Outreach went really well!

Trent: Praise! Leadership retreat was good, he is feeling better and refocused.

Scott: To use his time wisely.

Connor: Be diligent in finishing school.

Jesse: Diligence with school; to follow his schedule.

Selena: Praise! School is almost over. -Had a busy weekend, to still be diligent in school. Praise! Hurt her foot in soccer tournament over the weekend, but it’s feeling better.

Hannah: Working more this week and is behind in school. To be diligent and not complain about working. -Praise! No one was hurt in their soccer tournament.

Rachael: Running herself down. Be able to pace herself. -Brother David is in Iceland (coming back Thursday), safety. Also her parents are going to visit him, for that to go well.

Emily: Praise! Got a car! That it would be dependable. -Has a busy schedule.

Alpha: Some rough stuff going on.

Application Reminder 4/21/15

What can you do for someone who needs help? (putting their needs before yours)

Trent: Taking the initiative to help his mom in the kitchen. Plan and prepare at least three dinners.

Mikey: To have a selfless attitude at work and to be more of a help to his boss.

Caleb: Helping his mom find stuff he can eat and having a good attitude about it. Planning and preparing meals.

Jesse: Taking the initiative to clean up after himself.

Rachael: Find ways to encourage her friend this week, specifically through emails.

Scott: Checking with his mom before he does his own thing to see if she needs help.

Connor: Be more diligent in school and not involve his mom as much.

Hannah: Help her mom by grading her younger siblings schoolwork.

Alisha: This weekend with the leadership to be looking out for others’ interests before her own, specifically if they want to play a game she doesn’t prefer.

Jaybin: Do something helpful for both his mom, dad, and his sister this week.

Selena: Help her mom out in the kitchen this week with at least one and maybe two meals.

Emily: This weekend with the leadership to be looking out for others’ interests before her own.

Beta Prayer Requests 4/21/15

Caleb: On a special diet for four weeks. That it would go as well as can be expected, and that he maybe won’t have to do the gluten free diet. -Looking for a job, needs to find time to meet with someone about that. -Praise! Going to Sprouts tomorrow.

Jesse: Had a lot of fun at the 30hr famine.

Mikey: Played football this past weekend, and is in bad shape; to heal quickly. -Busy schedule. Trying to figure out an effective way to manage it. -Speaking at leadership retreat this weekend; find time to study.

Scott: Praise/prayer, school is coming to an end; to see it through diligently. -Praise! His car is acting normally after overheating.

Rachael: Hurt her wrist; for it to heal quickly. -Praise/prayer, started her research paper, that it would continue to go well. -As she needs to log her days and get her portfolio together.

Trent: Looking at different options for his summer and for a job. Looking for what God has in store for the next season.

Alpha: A lot of rough stuff going on right now.

Leaders: Going on a retreat this weekend.

Hannah: Praise! Their tire blew out, but they were able to get it fixed and no one was hurt. -Soccer tournament to go well, safety.

Connor: To be diligent in finishing up his school.

Alisha and Emily’s family: Looking for a car and looking in to getting Alisha’s car fixed up. Wisdom as they make decisions.

Emily: Has a very busy schedule with work, school, etc… that she wouldn’t worry or stress over it, but trust God to work it out.

Jaybin: Hurt his knee at Training Camp and it’s still bothering him; for healing. -Diligence as he is doing pre-algebra this summer.

Selena: To use her time wisely, especially with school.


Applications 4/14/15

How are you going to be different from the world in the way you talk or act this week?

Hannah: In school, to not complain about it, specifically with writing

Jesse: In school, to not complain about it

Trent: Not worrying so much about future plans

Caleb: With his program, to not complain about it, that he would have a good attitude and thoughts

Rachael: Being joyful in her long busy days and being thankful for what God has given, not thinking only about herself. A practical step is writing down two thankful things at the end of the day.

Emily: With work, that she would be able to have a good attitude about her hours there

Scott: With work, that he would have a selfless attitude

Connor: In school, that he wouldn’t complain, even in his head

Alisha: In her work, that she would focus on what Christ is doing through her there. On the way home rejoicing in things that went well, and not just telling her family the bad things that happen at work but the good things

Mikey: Not just saying applications and doing them to check them off his list

Jaybin: In school, to not complain about it

Selena: On her soccer team, that she would be more encouraging to her teammates and not be so focused on herself

Beta Prayer Requests 4/14/15

Everyone: the banquet on Thursday, that it will go well and be successful.

Connor: Not sure if he should join his youth group’s Bible study or not.

Trent: One more month until graduation! Still has a few things to catch up on, but things are lightening up. -Applied for a couple jobs.

Emily: Praise/prayer, is getting more hours at work, but prayer as she adjusts her schedule and gets into the swing of things at work again.

Jaybin: School is coming to an end, to be able to stay diligent in finishing up.

Alisha: Very busy week ahead, not to get too stressed out. -It’s been rough recently with the little girl she nannies, for patience and wisdom on how to handle it.

Mikey: Busy schedule, that he won’t collapse and let his house get dirty.

Scotty: Busy schedule, that he wouldn’t complain about school.

Hannah: Praise! Got over being sick with stomach bug. -Has a cold.

Jesse, Hannah, and Connor: 30 hour famine with youth group on Friday, that it would go well and they would have a good attitude during and after it.

Rachael: First planning meeting for TIP this afternoon, that she would have a good attitude. -TIP decisions for next year. -Ten page research paper, trying to figure out what to put in her thesis by Friday. -Needs to apply, take test, and sign up for classes at HACC. Complications with application because of being homeschooled. -Praise! TIP was excepted to speak at TEDx Lancaster.

Caleb: Behind in science and school, trying to get a job, busy schedule, fighting spiritual battles; all of which is tiring. -His grandad has a lung problem. Energy for grandmom as she helps him. -Praise! History and English is almost done.

Selena: Praise! Schoolwork is lessening.

Beta Announcements 4/7/15

-Tomorrow’s workday is canceled, but Beta peeps are welcome to join Alpha’s workday. It’s this Saturday, April 11th @ Woodcrest form 8am-2pm. Let Tim know if you are coming. Bring a packed lunch and wear work clothes.

April 16th- DRAMA banquet from 5:15-9:00pm. Wear: blacks and light gray shirts. We will be presenting Go.

April 29th- LAMS outreach from 7:30-9:45am. More details to come.

May 10th- Sunday morning outreach at Newville Church of the Brethren. All morning.

May 16th- Workday at Carlos and Migdalia’s, all day.




Beta Prayer Requests 4/7/15

Mikey: Crazy week/schedule. To not go crazy or forget anything.

Caleb: Allergies have been worse. Going to a specialist sometime. -Praise! Had a good Easter!

Emily & Alisha: Youth Retreat this weekend, safety. Also, to be seeking and taking opportunities to build relationships among the girls.

Emily: Praise! Was asked to work next week! 🙂

Rachael: Praise! Finished article! -Needs to do taxes this week; be diligent. -Praise! Decisions were made in TIP. First planning meeting next week. -To pace herself with her research paper and be satisfied with what she can get done.

Scott: Praise! Planning on doing Firestone’s apprenticeship at some point.

Tim: Praise! Banquet has more people coming than in past years. -Praise! Christ House had their first Easter service. -English service at York church is staring on Sunday. To be able to keep up with everything in both churches. -Will hopefully be getting a salary soon.

Jesse: His family as Hannah, Connor, and Sarah are sick. To get well soon and for protection for the rest of the family.

Jaybin: To catch up in math. -Praise! Didn’t die on Sunday! Rolled a four-wheeler, but is fine.

Selena: A lot of history to catch up on, and coming off of a busy week.

Trent: To be diligent in finishing up his senior year and college applications. Also still looking for a job.

Applications 3/31

What is one thing you can do this week that shows selfless humility, and how are you going to do it?

Jaybin: Doing the dishes and wash without being asked

Trent: Get together with Mic

Hannah: Helping with supper without being asked at least twice this week

Jesse: Do everything in school without being told

Scott: help around the house more with a humble attitude

Caleb: be the one to get snack for the family in the evening

Rachael: not only focusing on her own stuff at TIP but looking around to see how the others are doing, encouraging at least 2 or 3 different people

Mikey: Be more encouraging and intentional, building the leaders up

Connor: Let others choose the movie

Emily: In Sprouts, that she would be encouraging to them

Selena: Spending time with Erika on her birthday and throughout the week

Alisha: When getting home from work, ask how her mom is doing, encouraging her how she would appreciate