Beta praise and prayer request

Aaron: Praise- his sister got into college.

Prayer that he doesn’t over commit himself to school.

Alisha: Praise  her best friend is getting married.

Praise- “Becky and Alex are officially dating”.

Alyssa: Prayer- get a strict schedule, and stronger self-motivation and get a job.

Caleb: Prayer for school to continue going well, wisdom for the Martin’s.

Connor: Prayer- school would continue going well.

Emily Weaver: Prayer- summer job is ending and needs wisdom to know what to do for fall and winter.

Hannah: Prayer- good attitude in chemistry and A.P. classes.

Jaybin: Praise- Lenita’s college is going well.

Prayer that school would continue going well.

Jesse: Prayer help to know how to balance school

Kayla: prayer- wisdom to know what to do about her back pain, and help to understand physics

Maria: Prayer- co-op is starting,  needs to work on being more social.

Rachael: Praise- Ben settled well in Argentina, and 1st art lesson which is the last thing to get started with in school.

Prayer- get caught up in, keep up with everything else.

Scott: Praise- got job at Firestone.

Selena: Prayer for chemistry and math

Prayer- not underestimate / procrastinate in school.

Trent: prayer for C.L.E.P. test and Moms sore throat.


Balfata Prayer and Praises! :)

  • Prayer:
  • Everyone- devos!
  • Aaron- does not know how summer is going to go
  • Mikey- scripture memory is lacking (Yep know what you mean)
  • Caleb- allergies at camps (amen brother!)
  • Everyone- camps
  • Gideon- first summer of camps
  • Trent, Amy, Brooke, Jaybin, Scotty- being more intentional by spending more time w/ family and friends
  • Aaron- learn how to better schedule
  • Mic- doing all the camps (lucky you!)
  • Hannah L.- knowing how much she should commit herself to
  • Racheal- for her to be more productive
  • Hannah L.- her truck is acting weird (again! 😉 )
  • Becky- that she would not get discouraged this summer
  • Hannah F. and Connor- taking SATs (have a blast! He He! 🙂 )
  • Caleb- lazy in Pre- Algebra (ugh Math!! I know how you feel!)
  • Amy- Adam and Kate’s wedding! (awhh!)
  • Alisha- youth group missions trip
  • Alexis- dad is changing jobs
  • Brooke- church moves into a new building
  • Alexis- get a job
  • Jesse- pastor is on sabbatical ( I am so glad for spell check I would have no idea how to spell sabbatical! 🙂 )
  • Jade- I start my job on Monday (with my three little princesses and my two little princes! Oh how I love them so!)
  • Selena- hang out with siblings more
  • Emily- get more hours in work
  • For all that need to still get school done (accuracy and motivation)
  • Praises:
  • Jade- I start my job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I just might be a tad bit excited! 🙂 🙂 )
  • Brooke- church is moving to new building!
  • BECKY and TRENT are GRADUATED! (You both did so well! Your voice is beautiful Katie, I mean Becky! 🙂 )

I am soooo… sorry everyone, I totally forgot about the prayer and praises! Shows how responsible I am! 🙁 So sorry! Hopefully I got everything! Thanks for understanding! -Jaders

Announcements 5/19

The only announcement on Tuesday was that there were no announcements. SO… I decided to post all the hashtags we came up with this session and their origins:

#fabulous: this was on the board at training camp before I got there; so if you want to know, talk to someone who was there before me, which was most everybody

#itsbetterw/twizzlers: this one came from me wanting to put something on the announcements to add some flare

#likeaboss: somebody on my soccer team had a really cool shirt with this on…

#boo-yah: my first thought when I found we were wearing paint to Reading 🙂

#dontbeanidiot: this came from Mikey and Jesse during one of our Bible studies

#paint: self-explanatory. Paint is boss

#sweetlips: Jaybin and Mikey

#hashtag: I don’t know… It was just something cool to put down

Application Reminder 5/19/15

What are some ways you can trust God more? How can you apply this?

Connor: with SATs

Scotty: the future with work

Jesse: what he’s going to this summer besides camps. Pray about it

Rachael: trust God to help her with everything in the next couple months

Caleb: with his job

Mikey: trusting God about his future, especially the summer and next fall with DRAMA

Emily: praying about her job.

Korissa: trusting God to provide for college.

Trent: trusting God that he has a purpose for his life.

Jaybin: with what he’s going to do for work in the future.

Hannah: pray about SATs

Alisha: trusting God about her future with her job and with DRAMA.

Selena: with camps, that God has a plan and a reason for her being there. pray about it when worried.

Beta Prayer Requests 5/19/15

Caleb: Family discussion today (Wednesday). -Looking for a job. -As he finishes up school and heads to camps.

Trent: His dad’s company is in financial trouble.

Mikey: Praise! Has been having more self control with his language. Still could use prayer for it though.

Jesse: Has evaluations this Friday; needs to get the portfolios done for that. It’s a new evaluator.

Rachael: Evaluation on Thursday. -Needs to put everything together for their TIP presentation that is tonight (Wednesday). -Needs to study for the SATs. -TIP is over, to be ok with not seeing her TIP friends. A smooth transition with that.

Scotty: Done with school, but still needs to do portfolio. -Is going dirt biking with Jaybin on Thursday; safety.

Selena: Evaluation on Friday. Praise! Most of her portfolio is done, but prayer as she finishes it up.

Trent: Praise! Evaluation is done. He is officially done with high school! 🙂

Emily: Praise! Almost done with school. -For work, that she would be able to get more hours. Also, that she wouldn’t worry about it.

Connor: He isn’t sure what test he should study for. Wisdom in figuring that out.

Hannah: Same as Connor, figuring out what test to study for. -Today (Wednesday) they are taking care of some friends. That they would still be diligent in school and be an encouragement to their friends.

Jaybin: To continue with his devotions over the summer. -Evaluations. -To build intentional relationships at the summer camps.

Janelle: Praise! Her presentation for TEDx went really well this past Saturday. -She is sick, that she would recover for the TIP presentation tonight (Wednesday).

Korissa: Got home Friday and is home for a month. -That she would be able to connect and invest in her campers over the summer. -Done with Encounter in August, smooth transition. -Money for school in the fall. -While she is home, she is speaking about Zambia, that it would go well and she would be able to raise money for them.

Everyone: Application from the Bible study.

Application Reminder 5/12/15

What is something you need to ask God to help you with and not try to solve on your own?

Connor: duct tape class

Mikey: in DRAMA settings

Emily: with her summer plans

Rachael: getting through the last bits of school, pausing to pray

Alisha: in caring for the kids she nannies, remembering to pray in the situation

Jesse: pray before saying things that could be hurtful to his siblings or others

Jaybin: trust God with his time management

Scott: that his heart would be in the right place for summer camps

Caleb: praying before answering or interacting with his dad

Hannah: with her plans for her schoolwork next year

Trent: praying about how he relates to friends and family

Selena: with plans for the summer and next school year, give her worries to God

Beta Prayer Requests 5/12/15

Everyone: Camps this summer.

Mikey: To be able to improve his language (not to swear so much).

Connor: Has to teach a duct tape project at his church. -To remember to do his devos. -Needs to find a job this summer.

Jaybin: To remember to do his devos. -Praise! Has a lot of opportunities to work.

Caleb: Went up a few grade levels in schoolwork. -To be able to find a job this summer.

Scott: To remember to do devos. -Praise! Work has been going well.

Jesse: Remember to do devos.

Emily: Finishing up school this week. -For the Sprouts outreach Thursday evening. -That she would be able to figure out/have peace about her summer plans.

Rachael: Praise! Her evaluations are next week instead of this week like she thought. That she will be diligent in doing the stuff she needs to get done for that. -Praise! Research paper is almost done! -In her Algebra 2 class, that she would have the time to work on it, a good attitude, and diligence.

Hannah: Very behind in school; a week behind in all of her subjects. To be diligent in working on them. -She is also working more on top of all her school. It’s a very busy week! -Praise! Had a very successful time at the convention last weekend.

Selena: She and her family have a busy week. -She has to work on putting her portfolio together.

Application Reminder 5/5/15

In what area of your life are you not pressing on towards the goal? What can you do this coming week to change that?

Trent: not just doing what he wants but being deliberate about reaching out to Caleb more this week, and catching up with other friends

Emily: do at least one thing with Tony and Maria this week

Rachael: being intentional about interacting with Ben, and having a good attitude about schoolwork

Scotty: taking the time to help his mom more, and hang out with Peter

Mikey: start being more intentional with his devos, and memorize the sermon on the mount

Hannah: serving her mom more in the kitchen- at least 2-3 meals this week

Caleb: his attitude with his family, not to take them for granted

Jaybin: keep pushing forward in memorizing his Bible study passage

Connor: stop letting devos slide

Alisha: kneel beside her bed for prayer time so she can stay more focused

Jesse: be more intentional in his devos (followup partner: Connor)

Selena: be more intentional in her prayer time, not just listing a bunch of stuff- specifically praying about her summer plans


Beta Prayer Requests 5/5/15

Jesse: To get better as he has been sick. -To catch up on schoolwork.

Mikey: That he would get a good night’s sleep. -That he would put Christ as the center of his and Alisha’s relationship.

Alisha: Parents are gone this weekend; patience with Tony and Maria and that they would have good quality sibling time. -She has been struggling not to have a selfish attitude this week; that God would humble her and teach her.

Hannah: Going to the CHAP Convention this weekend. That she would listen and learn from the speakers. -Diligence in school as it’s coming to an end.

Jaybin: That he would be wise with his free time as he has three jobs to juggle. -Doing Algebra over the summer.

Trent: Praise! Got a bunch of college paperwork finished! -Motivation to finish up high school. -To apply this week’s application.

Scotty: Praise! He was sick, but is feeling better. -Praise! Getting more hours at work. -That he would get his application done.

Connor: To keep working in school and devotions. -Spending time with siblings.

Mrs. Martin: Steadfastness in Christ. -Eternal perspective.

Caleb: Has been having struggles with this dad.

Rachael: Has a lot of school in the coming two weeks and is feeling overwhelmed by everything. -First draft of her paper is due on Friday, so that she would have lots to write for it. -Praise! She finished editing the first draft of her book. 🙂

Emily: Has a cold, which is bad time considering how busy she is. That it would heal quickly. -Her car is getting inspected on Monday; that everything would be good. -To have continued diligence in school and to give her stress to God.

Selena: That she would use her free time wisely. -To be diligent in her prayer time and be intentional about it. -Diligence in finished history.

Everyone: Our outreaches and workday are coming up! That they would go well and that God would use them.