Days 1 and 2

Colombia - Days 1 and 2

Hello Friends,

We’re hard at work and have begin training with the local team. Our work teams are removing and replacing floors in two of the buildings and the rest of the group has helped cut vegetables, prepare school uniforms and even help with some screen printing. Each evening we meet with the youth and continue the mime training. The local team has three new members that we are helping train up and incorporate into the mimes they know as well as introduce new mimes.

Keep praying for:
– unity on our team and the local team, especially that the new members would feel full welcomed and accepted
– energy as we work and teach
– health (every one is doing good so far!)
– spiritual growth: whether in our daily Bible times or our ministry interactions, we want to be open to God’s leading and instruction
– Praise! My (Tim) laptop took a fall in the airport as I came through security and the keyboard was not working…. but I’m typing this message from it now. Simply removing and reinserting the keyboard was all it took. Praise God!

In Christ,

Training and Departure


Well Friends, today we go to the airport and head for warmer climates. We’ve been training since Saturday and today (Monday) we’re finishing things up and polishing the mime routines. We’ll be flying out of Newark tonight so you can be in prayer that the show doesn’t cause too much trouble in our travels to the airport and, of course, our flight schedules. I’ll try to update you all tomorrow or Wednesday morning with how that all came out. Not much longer now!

God Bless,

Final Preparations

Returning to Colombia

Hello Friends,

DRAMA is again heading out to Bogota, Colombia to partner with Children’s Vision International and our sister discipleship team that they operate. We are excited to see our friends again and encourage them in their ministry as well as aid in work projects at the children’s home and humanitarian aid in the villages on the outskirts of Bogota.

We are just a few days from starting our training prior to heading out on the trip. Please be praying for the whole team as they make their final preparations and say “good bye” to their families.

Most of the funds needed to travel have come in. As I type this, we are just shy of 83% toward our goal. There remains, however, $2,976 still to come in for the team’s total need. Each member is responsible to raise a portion, so this number represents the total of all deficits. Would you consider giving toward our trip to help us get this last bit covered? You can use the links below to support a particular member (if they reach their goal it will go to whoever needs it most) or click the last link to have it go to the greatest need. You can also give by writing a check to “DRAMA Ministry” and sending it with a separate note indicating that it is for the Colombia 2014 trip to: 241 Blimline Rd., Mohnton, PA 19540.

I’ll keep posting updates as we go through the trip. Please follow along and keep us in prayer.

God Bless!

The Team:

(if you are reading this via e-mail and no buttons are showing below, click here)

Colombia Giving

This winter from February 4 through 13, 2014, DRAMA is leading a team to Bogota, Colombia again to partner with Children’s Vision International Inc. ( CVII takes abandoned, abused, and high-risk infants and small children from the street to provide twenty-four hours a day/seven days a week care. This includes a home, food, clothing, education, recreation, and full medical attention.

The trip starts on February 2 when we will begin training and we hope to arrive in Colombia and start ministry by February 4. From there our base of operations will be the campus of Children’s Vision International in the city of Bogota. We will be working primarily right on CVII’s campus with the children and youth who live there. DRAMA has helped the CVII children to start their own discipleship team in the past, so this trip will focus on strengthening and equipping them for ministry. Along with training and outreach opportunities along side the local team, our team will also help with work projects around the CVII property.

Our team this year has 16 members and each are trying to raise funds toward our costs. If you’d like to help any of them in particular, you can click on the button below with their name. If you’d just like to give toward the trip as a whole, the button at the end labeled “Greatest Need” can be used. You can also just send a check made out to DRAMA Ministry with a note specifying an individual’s name or the trip to: DRAMA Ministry c/o David King, 241 Blimline Rd., Mohnton, PA 19540.

Either way, we’d love for you t be praying for us as we serve!
Thanks and God Bless,

The Team:

Halloween Alternative Event

With Halloween this year, we had a really fun chance to attend a Halloween alternative hosted by Conestoga Church of the Brethern. We arrived before the kids to put on our mime paint and get set up.

When the kids arrived, we dispersed among them and had a lot of fun stroll miming, that is, playing with them and being goofy. We tried to interact with the kids costumes too. We’d follow the ones dressed as shepherds around like sheep, or waddle behind a penguin costume, or bounce bouncy balls with them. The kids really enjoyed it, and so when we went onto the stage to perform a short presentation, they were all really eager to watch, along with their parents.

Then we went back to stroll miming, and after a while we had a second presentation for those who had been arriving. We were there all evening and had so much fun being creative. At the end, they gave us each little bags of candy, which we snacked on while we took off our paint and hung out as we waited for our rides to arrive.

It was so much fun getting to interact with all the kids on their own leave — there’s no limit to how goofy you can be while you have mime paint on! — and I really hope and pray that they were able to see the message behind our antics.

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Community Methodist Church Outreach

On October 19, Team Beta had the opportunity to go to Community Methodist Church and present the message of the cross.  We had a half hour long van ride up to the church, which is always fun hangout time. Our director was unable to be there that evening, and so the parents of some of the members drove us.

We got there just before supper, and found that they had prepared a meal for us and all those who were attending. It was a really neat chance to talk with and get to know those who had come out for the evening. There were several kids who had come with their parents, and they had a lot of fun chasing us around and playing with us.

One thing that was particularly awesome to see at this outreach was seeing the two assistant directors on our team step up in our directors absence. During our presentation, which really focused on the meaning and important of the cross, they were the two who had to verbally present the gospel along with our mimes. I know that it was a stretching experience for the both of them, and as a member, it was so cool to watch them grow.

After our presentation we hurried to take our paint off so that we’d have more time to talk with the people. We made it back out in time to have fun half hour conversations with them. It was really fun to get off the stage and be able to do some talking with the audience instead of being in front of them the whole time.

Once most everyone had headed home, our team packed up our stuff and jumped back in the van. On the way home, we decided to stop for some ice cream and have an impromptu hangout time, which was really fun. Over all, the entire outreach went incredibly well and I felt like God was really working through it. 🙂

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Fairgrounds Square Mall Outreach

On Thursday, October 31, team Alpha, from DRAMA Ministries, partnered with Thunder Outreach Ministries and had an outreach at Fairgrounds Square Mall in Reading.

We met at a church to put on our face paint and drove together in the van to the mall. When we got there, we were a little early, but that didn’t stop us from stroll miming! Pretty soon, we walked onto the stage and people gathered around us as we presented. When we finished we stroll mimed some more, which included playing Duck, Duck, Goose, tag, and much more with a bunch of kids. After a while we presented a second time with the same songs.

Over all the outreach went very well, with no major problems. We were blessed to be able to have two of our old members, Jenn and Jeremy mime with us!  To God be the glory!

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Bethany E.C. Outreach

Team Beta got to have their first outreach of the session  at Ebenezer E.C. on September 29th.

We all got there early, before the service started, to set up and practice and have time to pray. When the congregation started arriving for Sunday school, we all split up and went to Sunday school with them. We don’t always get to go to the Sunday school when we present at churches, and so it was a fun chance to meet the church members.

After the Sunday school hour ended, they went right into the service. Our director had been filling in as pastor there during the month prior, and our presentation helped to sum up the different topics he’d been preaching on, centering on discipleship. When the service ended, many of the people hung around to talk with us (we did not wear paint at this outreach). Everyone was so willing to talk and engage us, and it was a neat experience to met those people whom I would never have met otherwise.

Before we left, our team went outside to take some team pictures and have fun being a little crazy. Praise God for such an amazing opportunity to share his Word!

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Alpha Outreach in Terre Hill

On Saturday, Oct. 19, 2013, team Alpha had an outreach at Terre Hill Bible Fellowship for their Fall Terre Hill Days.

When all of the members arrived we practiced a few of the songs, then we put on our face paint, using the bathroom mirrors. Then everyone spread out inside and outside the church and stroll mimed. In the basement there were a bunch of kids games and a human sized maze that a few of us went through. Outside there was a fire ring and some more games. After a little while we walked onto our “stage” which was in the middle of a grassy area. After we finished miming, we spread out, some of us played with the kids, while some played frisbee with the teens.

Over all, we thankfully didn’t have any major complications, and everyone seemed to receive us very well. To God be the glory!

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Alpha Outreach

On Saturday, Sept. 14, 2013, team Alpha held a car wash at Clark’s Garage in Adamstown to support a friend of DRAMA who has cancer. It was a very chilly day! Everyone on the team did a great job washing the cars. In all they washed 16 cars and received donations from everyone who stopped by to get their car washed. To God be the Glory!

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