Alisha: Praise- wedding date is set. Prayer- Conference this weekend, Safety and good relationships with people from other lives Alpha(&Rachael) in Ohio
Caleb:Praise- He got a deer. Prayer- that the new medication would help
Alisha: Praise- wedding date is set. Prayer- Conference this weekend, Safety and good relationships with people from other lives Alpha(&Rachael) in Ohio
Caleb:Praise- He got a deer. Prayer- that the new medication would help
Hey Beta,
-Hope Rescue Mission: Monday, November 9. Be at Giant 4:15pm, back at 7:45pm. Wear grey shirts and black everything else. Song list: Alive, Courtroom, Unstoppable, Worn.
-You Should Come To This: Sunday, November 15 6:30-9:30pm. At Otterbein United Methodist (20 E. Clay St., Lancaster). Bring a sweet snack to share.
Announcements 10/27/15
-Hope Rescue Mission: Monday, November 9. We will be meeting at Giant at 4:15pm, and we’ll be back there at 7:45pm. Wear you grey shirts and black everything else. The song list is: Alive, Courtroom, Unstoppable, and Worn.
-You Should Come to This: Sunday, November 15. You will need to be there by 6:30. Wear grey shirts and black everything else. The new location is Otterbien United Methodist (20 E. Clay St., Lancaster). Bring a sweet snack to share.
– Evening Practices: We will begin having practice in the evening next week. November 3. Practice will start at 6pm and end at 8:30.
Connor: Adjusting to the Scotland culture; has English to finish when he gets back; Praise! his uncle’s back surgery went well
Aaron: busy with school and farm, especially since Hannah is away and his dad is recovering; that he would get more sleep; Praise! his dad’s surgery went well even though his recovery time is longer, pray that he doesn’t over do it; Uncle had knee surgery and had to replace ACL; for Josh and Michelle Funk as Josh is leading messages at Christ House
Caleb: Praise! he had a fun weekend at the PA Grand Canyon; safety for the Scotland team
Jaybin: that his cold would get better
Rachael: Helping with Alpha’s outreach, that it would go well jumping on; very busy this week and overwhelmed with all of it; trying to sell Ben’s car for him before the end of November, that she would be able to sell it
Kayla: self control with her diet, praise it’s going pretty well so far; wisdom and patience in her geometry class
Emily S: a friend of theirs has bad stomach pains, that it would not be something serious
Maria: her grandma isn’t doing well; been trying not to eat so much junk food
Emily W: have a good attitude about taking SATs, that she wouldn’t stress out, and not be depressed the weekend when taking it
Alyssa: looking forward to having an accountability partner in Scotland
Alisha: Praise- Wedding plans are coming together. Prayer-she would be intentional with the kids specifically with Ava. She would extend grace to them and spend more time with them. she would not get sicker.
Hannah: Praise- quiz tournament went well, and there was safe travel. SAT scores came back. Got to see cousins and their kids.
Jesse Praise: quizzing went well. Prayer- school.
Mike: Prayer knee hurts and needs to see a doctor. Wisdom for wedding preparations.
Olivia : finished paper
Scott: Prayer-for the Scotland Team, and work does not take away from his ability to bless the people in Scotland.
Selena: Praise- the tree in her front yard turned colors after staying green for a long time. Prayer- make time for literature class on Thursday.
Trent: Prayer Scotland team
Hey Beta,
-November 9: Hope Rescue Mission outreach in Reading. We will be meeting at 4:15 and getting back at 7:45. Wear you grey t-shirt and our song list is: Alive, Courtroom, Unstoppable, and Worn
November 15: You Should Come to This (or the Parents Presentation). General time frame is 6-9pm and the location has been moved to Otterbein United Methodist Church on E. Clay St.
Hey Beta,
October 23 – Alpha/Beta social at 6:45 at Alisha and Emily’s house. Let Selena know if you can make it.
November 9 – Hope Rescue Mission Outreach in Reading. We’ll be meeting at 4:15pm. More details to come.
November15 – You Should Come To This (or the Parents Presentation). General time frame is 6-9pm and it will be held at Living Hope Church. More details to come.
Aaron: Praise-finished a paper a week early; had a good weekend with friends: got off school the day of Dad’s surgery Prayer- need to find a new car( the old one died) peace because he is looking at a busy couple of weeks: he won’t waste time with siblings.
Alisha: Prayer- for a refreshing weekend at the cabin (with family); wisdom in making decisions for the wedding (her and Michael seek to honor God in their decisions).
Alyssa: Prayer- conviction of wrong thinking; commitment to pursuing God (devotions/prayer); strength of faith in God’s love and nature; Briana; people back home are having struggles, clarity
Caleb: Praise- hunting season is going well Prayer- diligence in his application
Connor: Praise- math is going well Prayer- diligence in his application; paper due on Friday
Emily S: Prayer- for her Bible study (it would get done right) peace about it
Emily W: Prayer- she has a busy this week; diligence to be able to get everything that needs done and peace over it; Family is going to the cabin this weekend, that it would be a relaxing time: bible study is next week; that she would have time to work on it and the right attitude about it
Hannah:Prayer- PSAT ‘s tomorrow; she has two soccer games this week and wants to be a blessing to teammates and coach; that she would be a blessing to her mom ( all of the above- that she would not be anxious about them but trust in god) busy schedule;to still have time for God and family-and school
Jaybin: Prayer- school would continue to go well; very busy upcoming weeks
Jesse: Prayer- he would be able to get caught up in school; wisdom for mom( that she would know what to do about my grandparents); strength for my mom both physically and mentally
Kayla: Praise- all caught up in physics Prayer- wisdom for the spring schedule; back would continue to heal
Maria: Prayer- she would have a good time at the cabin this weekend
Michael: Prayer- safe trip and relaxing time at the cabin; to manage his schedule better; work would not stress himself out; Alisha and him would honor God in their decisions
Olivia: Prayer- to be able to finish all of her school that needs to be done in the time she needs it don; peace about it
Rachael: Praise-she got to talk to Ben for a hour and a half Prayer- peace for her group presentation on hypnosis on Friday; left wrist has been hurting a lot this past week; for a psych exam on Monday
Scotty: Praise- school has been going well prayer-Scotland funds; for preparations of the trip; remember to pray& trust God more
Selena: Prayer- PSAT ‘s on Wednesday morning;peace during the test; Sunday a previous exchange student is coming to visit for the week(that they would have a good week with her despite not having seen her for four years
Trent: Praise- Scotland fundraising is done for him Prayer- for Christ House in helping the refuge family; Scotland team
Hey Beta!
Joshua’s Hands Outreach this Saturday
-Meet at Lancaster Giant 6:45am
-Wear blue shirt, black socks, black shoes, black pants, and a long sleeve black t-shirt if you want
-bring a water bottle
-We will be wearing paint
-Lunch and dinner are provided
-We will be back at Lancaster Giant around 9pm (we will call on the way home if the time changes due to traffic)
-Song list: There is a God, Healing, (God is God for second presentation), Via, restoration. Please try to memorize this list!
Hey Beta,
Joshua’s Hands (Virginia) is October 10th we are meeting at Lancaster Giant Center (Lititz Pike) and the tentative meeting time is 6:45am.
Song list: There is a God, Healing Begins, God is God (only in our second presentation), Via, and Restoration.
We will be wearing mime paint and lunch and dinner will be provided.
Response Team Outreach:
October 18th from 11:30 – 4:30 email Emily by this Thursday if you can make it.