DRAMA Banquet

As most of you know, DRAMA had its annual banquet at Weaver’s Market on April 16. Both Alpha and Beta were performing throughout the night.

Amazingly, all of team Beta arrived just in time to practice “Go”.  Even though there were some difficulties, we were all got there safely.

We started off with a word of prayer and then some awesome food.  After the welcome, team Alpha presented “You Were There”. You guys did amazing.

Next, Mrs. Martin shared about her experience with DRAMA. Then we watched a video created by Nick Weaver. After the video, Alex High spoke. I just have to say, I loved that speech. After a little worship, team Beta presented “Go”. Finally, Tim gave everyone a talk on how DRAMA is.

For me personally, I really enjoyed watching team Alpha present “You Were There”. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I was really moved. Over all I think everyone was blessed in one way or another.


Jesse Fellenbaum
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Christ the King Outreach

On April 3, which was Good Friday, team Beta had an outreach at Christ the King Community Church. We arrived at five thirty. We presented four mime songs. Around a hundred people were there.

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Good Friday & Easter 037 


Many people said that they were very encouraged. I was also able to talk to a lot of people, who were moved through our mimes. In the end we gave the outreach back to God. Thanks to God, we had an excellent  outreach.

In Christ,

Jesse Fellenbaum

Alpha at Sandy Hill Community Church

shcc3On Sunday morning May 3rd team Alpha headed out for Sandy Hill Community Church we arrived at roughly 9:30am and after we talked with one of the pastors and figured out how things were goanna roll we practiced two of the four mimes we were going to present. After that we headed down to the basement to do a short presentation for the kids. Even though we were only with the kids for a short time we had fun interacting and presenting to them. shccshcc2 We then waited for a short time for the Sunday schools to finish up and in between Sunday school and church we had a brief time to talk to different people in the congregation. Then we set up and presented two more of our mimes to the congregation. shcc1shcc4 Later after the service we again had time to talk with the people there and several people said they enjoyed the mimes, also we had one lady say she was crying. Three different people talked to Timothy King, our Director, about the possibility of us doing some other outreaches with things like youth group and VBS. So from this one outreach we got three other possible outreaches! Praise God! Another cool thing that happened was that right after we presented our last mime, “Go”, which talks about the fact that we need to keep passing on our Christian faith from generation to generation or eventually it will die, one of the pastors announced that he was retiring. Through all of this we can only thank God and praise him for the opportunity we had! To God be the Glory! ~Alexis Weaver

Alpha at Blue Ball Chruch of the Brethren

On Sunday, March 15th Alpha presented at BBCOB. We got there around 9:00am and partticipated in the youth and post high sunday schools. Afterward we headed into the service and for the worship time we presented two of our mimes.IMG_0812IMG_0816IMG_0831


Everything went well and the mimes ran smothly. After the service severl different people said they “apperciated DRAMA coming.” One of the ways we saw that God was with us at this outreach. Is that one of our members back was giving her trouble and as we were setting up our first mime the pain went away and as we where finishing up our last mime the pain came back. In all of this we can only prasie God and give him all the glory he is due. Praise God!

~Alexis Weaver


Alpha at New Holland Release Time

On Thursday, March 12, team Alpha had our first outreach of the session at Petra Christian Fellowship!


Presenting four of our mimes to the children and teachers who are a part of New Holland Release Time, everything went along without a hitch, and the kids responded positively to the presentation as a whole.



Afterward, we had a couple teachers come to us and thank us for coming back every year, but we can only praise God for the opportunity! The whole team agreed that we all truly love hearing the kids’ responses to questions and parts in the mimes, and our prayer now is that God would use those as catalysts to change their lives.



DRAMA in San Diego

On January 21, three of us from DRAMA’s leadership team began partnering and training with one of our sister teams in California (aimsandiego.org) for a local missions trip in San Diego and surrounding areas. Now, having training camp under our belts, we are ready to head out to San Francisco tomorrow afternoon!

We covet your prayers as we aid in leading this trip and building up our teammates from the Aim San Diego team and would love for you to follow along with what the Lord has been doing on this trip by checking in on their blog! Click HERE for their post about the trip.

God continues to be faithful and worthy of praise, and we are in a state of high anticipation to see what He will do through our time here!


Clermont Elementary Release Time

DRAMA may be out of session at the moment, but sharing the gospel is never out of session, and so, when we had the opportunity to go present at this release time, we pulled together a team and jumped into a car! Well, three cars, actually.

But that is jumping ahead. Backing up a bit, we spent the morning running over the mimes we wanted to share. We could all tell that God was with us, for the team worked well together and it went very quickly, and we ended up with an extra half hour! The extra time enabled us to sit together and spending a chunk of time just praying for the kids who’d be coming to the release time and for God’s will to be had over the whole event. Often we’re crunched for time and don’t have that chance, and so having it was a blessing.

Then we hopped into the cars and headed for the outreach! We arrived well before the kids were supposed to come, so we set ourselves up and then got to hang out and laugh together for a while. It was quite amazing that even though this team was only for today, there was wonderful unity among us.

Every kid was given a dozen high fives when they walked through the door, and then they sang some songs, and we hopped on stage to share the gospel. It was a huge blessing to get to carry the most powerful message and show it to these elementary kids in a way they can understand. In between songs, different ones of us introduced the song to give them a better idea of what to expect, to help make sure they would understand it, and not get lost in all the motions and movement.

Afterwords, the kids broke up into little groups, and we slipped in to listen before we left. It is always neat to hear how the kids respond, and to see what God is teaching them. It was so wonderful to have been used by God at this outreach and to Him be all the glory for it!



Jim Thorpe Pennsylvania

On December 6th Alpha was given the opportunity to present at a town square in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. We showed up at the church that had invited us, Ebenezer E.C. Church. We put on paint, and then went to the place we were to perform at. We had one thing we weren’t looking forward to as the weather was really bad. There was plenty of rain and cold. So our original place to perform was changed, instead of performing under the gazebo we originally were, we performed under the roof of the train station.

We ran through More, and then began our first presentation. After our first presentation we did more stroll miming. We did more presentations, we did our presentation 3 times. Each time with a different audience, by our third performance we were freezing, but we were allowed to be in the train station to warm up. We didn’t have many people stay for the whole set of songs, but we did have many people go through. The last performance we had two little girls who were asking our AD’s questions constantly. After our last performance we went to see a large collection of Nativity scenes. Then we went back to the church and got our paint off and had supper and headed home. 10409785_1548425392081605_1692453617562903061_n


Alpha outreach at Bethany Evangelical Congregational Church


Alpha’s outreach at Bethany EC happened somewhat bizarrely, originally Alpha had a different outreach, but that outreach cancelled. So because Alpha hadn’t had an outreach yet we got the outreach Beta had. The outreach was on October 31st and was a safe Halloween alternative. We got to the church and put on paint. After we put on paint we spent time stroll miming with the kids, it was fun to spend time with the kids and just mess around while stroll miming. We then began our presentation after all the kids got there.

Our presentation, the best way to describe it was from our perspective it went terrible. We messed up several songs, however overall the message got across. We heard that several of the mom’s were crying because the mimes which surprised us as we thought it went terrible. That shows that what we think may be terrible, God can actually use for good.

After the presentation, we started doing facepainting, stroll miming, and a workshop for the kids. The kids loved everything, and their enthusiasm for the workshop was awesome. They were so eager to learn and actually they did awesome at the workshop. As the evening went on the kids began to leave and we took the paint off and headed home. Overall it was a fantastic outreach.

The DRAMA Annual “You Should Come to This” Event

This is DRAMA Ministry’s annual update event including services, testimonials, and artistic presentation for parents, siblings, friends, ministry partners – anyone who is interested in discipleship and youth ministry. This is a wonderful opportunity to become acquainted with the unique outreach plan and discipleship practices by which DRAMA seeks to honor the Lord.

The evening’s events will include:

Services – in both spreading the gospel and building up the church.
Resources – discipleship, youth ministry, and Bible study.
Artistic – performances of both new and old mimes which share the gospel.
Testimonial – hear from the hearts and minds of those who have been part of discipleship.

It will be held Sunday, November 16, at Blue Ball Church of the Brethren (1005 Main St., Blue Ball, PA 17506) from 7 to 9pm. Light refreshments will be held afterward.

You’ve been invited; we hope to see you there!