Announcements 3/31

4/3 CTK from 5:30-10:00 pm, maroon shirts, black pants, black socks, hair for girls and Jaybin

4/8 Woodcrest from 9:00-3:00, bring a packed lunch

4/16 banquet from 5:30-9:00 pm, registration ends 4/1

4/29 LAMS from 7:30-9:45 pm


5/16 Carlos and Migdalia




Beta Prayer Requests 3/31/15

Connor: Praise! Caught up in Latin. -Their grandfather’s toe had to be removed in surgery because of an infection.

Jesse: His younger sister Sarah has an infection in her finger. -Their family is now taking care of their grandmother.

Jaybin: Praise! Mouth ulcers are gone and his rashes are getting better.

Mikey: Praise! Sleeping better. -Has some complications with the new car he is buying. -Needs a PA drivers license but he doesn’t have his social security card yet.

Scott: Needs to get caught up in school.

Alisha: Praise! They’re back! Had a really good trip. -Prayer for their sister-in-law Katrina, who hasn’t been feeling very well since the trip. -Prayer for Alisha as she did taxes and is kind of stressed out about them. Prayer as she needs to talk to her boss and figure some things out. -She is speaking for the outreach on Friday; good attitude and time to prepare.

Kayla (from Alisha): She would appreciate prayer as she is very discouraged about her job. Pray that she would be able to find another one or be able to come to an agreement with her parents.

Rachael: Praise/prayer, she was able to cancel the co-op class she was going to teach next school year, that she would be ok with not doing it. -Has a really crazy week and is feeling overwhelmed. For encouragement and motivation to be able to get everything done. -Double booked for next Thursday, that she would be able to find a replacement for her in worship team.

Emily: She is stressed about work and whether she will get hours. That she would be able to give her worry to God and trust Him with that.

Selena: Praise! Their last day of co-op, went well. -Will have a very busy April. To be able to say no to things that she doesn’t actually have time for.

Hannah: Has training for her new job on Friday. -Praise! This past Sunday they had their last quiz meet. -Praise! Joined soccer team last minute.

Announcements 3/24

4/3-CTK @ 6:00-10:00 pm, maroon shirts, black pants, black socks, the whole 9 yd.

4/8-Woodcrest @ 8:00-4:00 pm, bring a packed lunch

4/16-banquet @ 5:30-9:00 pm

4/29-LAMS @ 7:30-9:45 am

5/26-Carlos and Migdalia



Prayer Requests/Praises 3/24/15

Hi Beta!

Here are this week’s prayer time requests and praises.


-Outreach at CTK April 3rd

-Alisha and Emily are back!



-Praise! Alisha is home!


-Praise/request- Christ House has made it through two meetings and we already has a guest family come last week! Prayer that God would provide for possible space issues.

-He will be teaching this Friday for a young adult group. That he and the group would not get bogged down only in the details of the study but would be able to find applicable things  to their lives in the passages.


-Is feeling sick from the pressure of helping to lead preparations for a speech TIP is doing.

-Her car needs inspected and she is writing an article for her friend’s magazine.


-Praise! Vist to Patrick Henry College went well!


-For energy in his program and his classes


-For his rashs which are thankfully not Chicken Pox


-There is a parasite on his younger sister Sarah’s

-For Mrs. Fellenbaum as she manages helping their grandparents move up here, schoolwork, and life in general


-Behind on some of his school work

-Praise! Passed his drivers test!


-That he would use his time well with his busy work schedule

-That he would start to take steps to plan out this next Fall, most likely going to Argentina


-Praise! Has been able to keep up with school work and that he would be able to continue to do that.


-For my Grandmother as she is going through emotional stress

Mrs. Gerlach

-Her eyes have been irritated


-For her schoolwork

Au revoir!




Beta Prayer Requests 3/17

Caleb: His left hand is becoming dominant and it is discombobulating for him. He is also looking for a job.

Mrs. Gerlach: Praise! Co-op for next year is finalized. She also got a lot of grading done. ~Wisdom for planning next school year.

Jesse: Praise! He finished his writing course! He is still doing the 1 year Bible, but it is becoming just an item on a to do list. Visiting Patrick Henry College this past Friday (the 20th)

Jaybin: Praise! He knows what he is for school next year. Wisdom as he is trying to figure out his summer plans.

Connor: Latin is hard for him but he needs to keep doing it.

Rachael: That spring break will be restful but productive.

Scott: Praise! School has been going well!

Tim: Praise! His church plant had it’s first service! However, his Sunday’s are really busy and he needs to reduce roll in York church, and he needs wisdom on how to do that. Also, as he looks to the future of where the church can meet other than his living room. Praise! Alpha had two outreaches and both went really well.

Michael: His back hurts from his old bed.


Beta Prayer Requests 3/10/15

Alisha & Emily: For their family as they prepare to leave for Guatemala on vacation. Also for the trip itself, that it would be good family time. Health and safety. And to be an encouragement to the family that lives down there.

Alisha: To take the time away to be praying for her normal life and routine, and not to just use it as an escape.

Caleb: Frustrated with his program. ~ Praise! He had a fever after Training Camp, but he’s feeling better now.

Hannah: For a servant’s heart as their family is helping their grandparents get moved in. ~ Fell behind in Latin and she doesn’t really enjoy it, so that she would be able to work hard on it and not complain.

Connor: Not getting much school done due to busyness in helping their grandparents. That he would be able to get it done.

Jesse: Two weeks behind in his writing class, to be able to get done what he needs to.

Trent: Looking for a new job. ~ To be able to apply what he learned at Training Camp. Be able to get out of his comfort zone.

Scott: His hours picked up at work; that he would now have more energy and focus to get his school done.

Rachael: Has been getting worn out and letting things slip. That she would have the motivation and time to get things done.

Mikey: Struggles to care about people, sometimes he doesn’t care and just let’s it go. Prayer for him as he works on that.

Jaybin: School, that he would be able to get it done earlier in the day, which would then give him more time to apply his application.

Selena: School as she is still catching up in her co-op classes from Training Camp. And to be able balance her school and time spent with her family.

Alpha and Beta Prayer list December 15


Gideon– Continue to build up online friendships.

Mic– Praise! DRAMA has been an encouragement to him! There is a lot of stress in his family with a broken engagement and planning another wedding. To have peace about not doing camps this summer.

Aaron– He has too much free time this month while off of school, pray for him to adjust. He will have a crazy next semester and wants to stay invested in DRAMA but also needs to keep up on his schoolwork. Aaron needs to raise money for a missions trip to Turkey and Greece this spring. Also his sister Maranda has been hit hard with church problems, pray that Aaron would have wisdom in helping her deal with them.

Alex- Prayer as he helps to start a post high school bible study at his church, that he wont be caught up in the fact that he knows how to prepare a bible study.

Jeremy- He just tested positive for Lyme’s Disease, pray as his family adjusts as they deal with a second kid with it.

Jenn- Pray for her as she continues to deal with Lyme’s disease.

Shirah- Pray for her as she phases out of DRAMA. she is no longer going to collage at Rosedale, pray for peace.

Amy- For her time management with school and starting a new job in the spring.

Liana- To stay motivated during the off session with school and personal growth. Her sister is planning her wedding for January.

Becky-  She and her family have been stressed with family problems, they are looking toward an intimidating 2015. Pray for her as Shirah steps out of leadership.

Chris- Pray for Chris as this was his last full time session with DRAMA.

Brooke- To be diligent in her school. That she could balance school, DRAMA and family. For peace and to leave tomorrows worries for tomorrow with post high school and post DRAMA plans. for her to have wisdom in dealing with family relationships especially while they’re all together for Christmas and that they would have good communication.

Alexis- That she would be diligent in applying her devos everyday. To keep the relationships that she has found in DRAMA this session. For her to be more open with her family into our next session.

Kings- They are having the whole family together for Christmas! Pray for correct attitudes.

Hannah L- My dad came home from the E.R. last night and his blood pressure is staying where it should! As I continue to disciple my girls through our bible study. For my frustrating church searching decisions, that I would be fully committed where ever I am.

Alpha’s mascot (a.k.a. Joseph)- He has had a tremor since birth, his neurologist suspects it is something more, possibly Parkinson’s, pray for peace for his family. Pray for guidance as his plans for the future are very much up in the air.

Alpha- As we adjust to having Tim as our Director.


Ben- For his missions trip to Argentina in January, that they would be a good team. Pray for him as he will not be returning to DRAMA in the spring as he pursues other opportunities.

Jesse- He has another surgery on January 12.

Trent- He has been having trust issues with people and God.

Scotty- To be diligent in his devos even as his schedule is super busy.

Janelle- She has seen God working through her post high school plans, this has been awesome and scary. This year has been very eventful for her family in a bad way, some things feel out of control, pray for acceptance, peace, and that she would trust God completely during this next year.

Connor- That he would be diligent in his devos and prayer time.

Rachel- She will have a lot of lonely time without DRAMA during the off session, pray that she wont get depressed.

Selena- She will be teaching mime in Grenada in January, Pray for peace, and that she would be prepared and let God work through her.

Mikey- Pray for his time management as he juggles a girlfriend, job, soon getting a house, sleep and other stuff that needs to get done. He is going to Columbia soon and can’t find his passport. Praise! His whole family will be together for Christmas this year! Pray for a correct attitude.

Tim- He will be going on a missions trip to train Sam Hughes this January-February, pray for wisdom and that he wouldn’t take over. Pray for him to have wisdom during his family Christmas as he is always in the middle of fights and just wants to withdraw. He has some scary steps with church planting like meetings, location and balancing it with DRAMA. Pray for the future attendees of this new church, that they would seek Gods guidance and be in communication with their families and current Church families about possibly changing churches.

Beta- As they adjust to having Mikey as their Director.


Missions- Pray for wisdom in planning the Scotland trip for this year.

Christmas- Pray for our families as many of us have large ones and with larger families there are more opportunities for disagreement. Pray for peace and strengthened relationships.

Beta Prayer Requests/Praises 12/21/14

Hi Beta!

So for the last prayer requests of the session! (Oh and do not seem to have the requests of Hannah, Rachael, and Kayla sorry about that.)


-Praise!-Peter’s surgery went well and they only had to repair the valve. Also pray for patience for Peter as he heals.

– That Scott would keep up his spirtual disciplines during the off session time


-Praise! School is going well

-Has struggled with feeling down this last week


-To take small steps for future problems and to learn to take responsibility for own actions


-Praise! Reading in school is going well

-That he would extend grace to his grand-father

-That Christmas family get-togethers would go well


-To be diligent with his school


-That he would keep at church stuff but accept God’s pace for it

-Praise! Good fellowship with his church is in at right now


-For peace in his new relationship responsibilities and to learn how to stay at peace

-Is feeling worn out. Needs to learn to trust God with new things and to intentionally pursue fellowship


-Has been really tired. Self-control to go to bed on time.

-For her youth group’s play. Wisdom to know what parts to try out for this Sunday and for good attitudes.


-Trying to make decisions about the future. Wisdom and patience for God’s timing


-That she would not stress out about all the busyness coming up.

-For peace and a patience about her decision about which job she is persuing in the Spring


-Having an exchange student over Christmas. So for patience as she is sharing a bedroom with her sister. And that God would prepare the hearts of the Gerlachs and the student.

-That she would use her free time wisely over the holidays


-To look into with college and internship options

-That I would not be quick to judge Caleb or others

Feliz Navidad!
