Alpha’s Outreach at Crossfire Ministries

On Friday, November 5th, Alpha had an outreach at Crossfire Ministries. We have been doing outreach with this ministry for a while now. At this outreach, we did nine mimes as well as had speakers in between. It lasted an hour, and we had the chance to hang out with the teens for another hour afterward. Most of us stayed after. Since we were doing this for teenagers, we got to get super personal with them and make the mimes more meaningful that way. 

Since most teenagers are still finding out what their faith means to them, growing in it, and struggling with it, this was a great opportunity to share with them where we come from, and encourage them in their walk with the Lord. The speakers did really well connecting with them. We got positive feedback throughout and after the presentation and we hope and pray that what we did will have a lasting effect on them and spark something inside of them, convincing them to change for the Lord.

Alpha’s Outreach at Freedom Thrift

On Thursday, October 7th, team Alpha did another service project outreach. This time, it was at Freedom Thrift in Blue Ball. We helped out for a little over two hours. The girls helped size and price clothing to go out in the store, and then put it out for sale. The guys sorted through donated items to decide if they could be sold or not. 

We had a fun time talking and laughing while working. The girls judged what clothing would look good on who while the guys found treasures to buy. It was a great way to help Freedom Thrift as well as have fun together and bring the team closer together. Before we left, they gave us donuts and apple cider which was so kind of them and tasted good too! 

Thank You! – Banquet 2021

Thank you for your generous donations to DRAMA at this year’s support banquet! These funds are vital to our keeping session costs low to our members, offering outreaches free of charge to local churches and supporting our leadership in family oriented ministry. That’s a lot of bang for your buck! Often doing things the right way isn’t the same as doing things the cheapest way, so we are deeply dependent on your support for DRAMA to continue its unique vision for discipleship and ministry. This year your giving raised $5,105.57 towards DRAMA’s needs.

That’s $5,000 that helps:

  • Kids afford being a part of a ministry where they will get hands-on training in discipleship, Bible study methods, evangelism and leadership. (DRAMA subsidizes the cost of participation with your donations and never turns away a youth who cannot afford even the reduced rate).
  • Our directors bringing their whole families along with them on mission to give whole-life discipleship both to the team members and their own children.
  • Afford DRAMA having its own office space where we can better empower the youth on our teams to take ownership of the ministry.
  • Put gas in the vehicles that will take DRAMA youth to train churches in Gospel ministry and partner with churches in evangelism.
  • All the little and easily forgotten costs to doing ministry well, from insurance dues to webhosting to props and sound equipment.

Thank you for participating in the mission God has given us to see Christ formed in Believers!

Couldn’t attend and wanted to give? Click the donations button below to give online!

First DRAMA Outreach of Fall 2021 Session

On Saturday, October 2nd, DRAMA had their first outreach of the session at Woodcrest Retreat. This was a cross-team outreach so members from both Alpha and Beta were there. This was also a service project outreach, which means we did not do any miming. We spent the morning splitting wood, cleaning up brush, and doing other small things to prepare for Woodcrest’s Journey to Bethlehem event which will be coming up in December. 

We got done a lot sooner than expected which was really nice. We finished at 12:00 and after eating lunch in the newly built treehouse, shared highlights and things that made us laugh. We all worked really well together, were very efficient, and had fun doing it all at the same time. Service project outreaches are a great way to promote team building, problem-solving, and learning how to work together.

Outreach at Living Hope Community Church

Sunday, October 24th, 2021
Written by Maria Weaver

Team Beta had an outreach at Living Hope Community Church. We sat in for worship before miming for the children’s church. We had extra time at the end, so the kids were able to learn the box and the mime walk, as well as how play catch. They seemed to really enjoy it! The church also provided lunch, and we contributed by setting up and tearing down the tables. Not only did the outreach go well and we were privileged to share the gospel with the kids, we also got a great lunch!

Summer 2020 Fundraiser!

Summer 2020 Fundraiser

Dear Friends & Supporters,

This year DRAMA is thankful to celebrate nineteen years of ministry!  Though we had to cancel our annual benefit banquet, all except one of our teams’ practices, and all of our outreaches this spring, we continue to trust that God is sovereign over all of this and that He will continue to use DRAMA to share the gospel and to disciple youth in the coming months and years.

With excitement, we look forward to this summer, as we prepare to send a team to Woodcrest Retreat and to host our annual Leadership Conference for other discipleship ministries from across the country.  As we anticipate opportunities for ministry the rest of this year, we would love to have each of you partner with us in prayer and in financial support.

In lieu of hosting a banquet this year, we will be holding a virtual fundraiser!  We usually count on our annual banquet to raise about $3,000 for DRAMA’s budget. While we don’t have that option this year, we still need to raise support and we would still like to treat you to some fellowship and delicious food. So, we are excited to partner with Fox Meadows Creamery in order to make this possible.  As a way to show our appreciation for our supporters, every donor who gives between now and June 27th will receive a $5 Fox Meadows gift card for every $25 given. (For example, a $75 donation will receive a $15 gift card, etc.)  If you would like to donate to DRAMA, please fill out and return the bottom portion the attached letter or use the online giving link below to donate.

Also, be sure to check out the DRAMA Facebook page on June 27th as we will share some praise reports on what God has done through DRAMA. Feel free to post your own stories on our page that day! We’d love to digitally fellowship on the page or maybe even see you sometime at Fox Meadows!

Thank you for partnering with us as we celebrate what God has done through nineteen years of ministry!

In Christ,


Printable Letter: click here.

Online Giving:
(NOTE: Either check the “share address with DRAMA” option or leave your address in the “note” section so that we can mail you the gift card.)

Spring 2020 Session Letter

Spring 2020 Session Letter

Hey DRAMA Families! Enclosed you will find the information needed for participation in the DRAMA teams this Spring. Applications can be printed off the DRAMA website ( or filled out online. Helper applications are also available on the website. All applications must be received by February 19th in order to be accepted into the spring session. Please send your applications to Phil Weaver (95 Stobers Dam Rd. Stevens, PA 17578) along with your $50 session fee. If this creates financial difficulty, please contact Tim (717-951-2518) or Phil (717-682-8597) as there are scholarships available. An alternate, older-member application is also available online.

Parents meetings: In order for a youth to participate in this session, at least one parent of all members and leaders must attend one of the parent meetings listed below or make special arrangements with Tim or Phil. If a member is 18 or older, they may participate in the session independently from their parents by following our Older Member Policy on the website (under the Documents section). Please bring your calendars for scheduling purposes. There will also be a sign-up for training camp meals. Parents of new members do not need to attend these meetings, but are welcome and may find them helpful.  Spring parent meeting dates are:

  • Tuesday evening, February 25, from 7-8:30 at the DRAMA Office (Grace EC Church 131 Terrace Avenue Ephrata, PA 17522)
  • Saturday morning, February 29, from 9-10:30am at the DRAMA Office (Grace EC Church 131 Terrace Avenue Ephrata, PA 17522)


Again this session, Training Camp will be a Thursday through Saturday.  The dates are: Thursday, March 5 @ 8:00am, through Saturday, March 7@ 8:00pm. Again this session, Training Camp will be held at Woodcrest Retreat (225 Woodcrest Lane Ephrata, PA 17522).

Session Duration: Training Camp through Monday, May 18.  See back of letter for pre-booked outreaches.

We are planning to have two teams this coming session. Practices for both teams will be held in the evening.

  • Alpha: Mondays, 6:30-9:00pm @ Ephrata (Grace EC: 131 Terrace Avenue Ephrata, Pa 17522)
  • Beta: Tuesdays, 6:30-9:00pm @ Lancaster (Faith Church: 2124 Old Philadelphia Pike Lancaster, PA 17602)


Update: Alisha Austin is now our Outreach Coordinator. You can direct all outreach contacts to her. Her email address is:


Sprouts: DRAMA is planning on having Sprouts (youth ages 8 to 12) again this spring. The session will be from March 18 through May 13. Sprouts will meet on Wednesdays from 2:00-4:00pm at Ebenezer EC Church (235 State Street Brownstown, PA 17508). For anyone who is interested in seeing what Sprouts is like before committing to the session, the first practice on the 18th is an open day for whoever would like to attend. By the second practice, they will need a commitment for the session and pre-booked outreaches. If you have any questions, contact Tim King (717 951 2518) or email him at See back of letter for details on the pre-booked outreach given to sprouts.


Booked Outreaches: These are the outreaches that our mime teams already have booked for the spring session; please mark them on your calendars.  Each member is required to attend these pre-booked outreaches. Times given are subject to change, but only slightly. If there are any conflicts please list them on your application. Any more outreaches that are confirmed will be shared at the parent meetings or at practice.


March 20 (Friday evening) at Crossfire Youth Ministry

April 2 (Thursday, 1:30pm-3:30pm) at Petra Church


March 25 (Wednesday, 11:30am-2:00pm) at CHEX Co-op

April 8 (Wednesday 10:30am-1:00pm) at Gehman’s Mennonite Church


April 30, (Thursday evening) DRAMA Banquet, at Woodcrest Retreat (225 Woodcrest Lane Ephrata, PA 17522).


April 30, (Thursday evening) DRAMA Banquet, at Woodcrest Retreat (225 Woodcrest Lane Ephrata, PA 17522).

A few of Beta’s outreaches (Fall 2019)

On September 28th, team Beta had an all-day outreach/workday at God’s Clear View Ministries. We were split into three groups.  One group sorted holiday decorations, one sorted clothes in the Blessing shop, and one worked on clearing all the stuff that was piled on the stage.  When we arrived, we were surprised to see some new and exciting changes.  The new staff had expanded the food pantry, as well as making it accessible online.  Other changes included renovations to the kitchen to accommodate a soup kitchen, the wall between the two parts of the Blessing shop torn down, and all the boxes from the basement removed and taken upstairs (and put on the stage).  It was amazing to see all the new changes taking place and the way God is continuing to use the ministry.

On October 5th, Beta had an all-day outreach at a fall festival for Joshua’s Hands ministry in Virginia.  When we arrived, the leaders realized we were really low on face paint.  So, we didn’t have to put on mime paint.  Yeah!  No scraping your face to take the paint off, plus no paint in your hair or eyebrows.  We gave two different presentations.  We stroll mimed for a little bit in between the presentations.  After our last performance, we helped run games.  Since we weren’t wearing paint, it was nice being able to talk to the kids and give instructions for the games.  The outreach might not have gone as planned, but the gospel was still shared, so it was a success.

On October 16th, Beta had a morning outreach at Lititz Area Mennonite School.  We presented for their morning chapel time. We wore mime paint.  It was two of the members first time wearing mime paint, which they were thrilled about.  Tim King came and spoke for the outreach. We enjoyed being able to come back and present for the kids again.

Alpha Outreach 3/28/19

On March 28th, 2019, at 5:30 pm, DRAMA Ministry had an outreach at Red Run Mennonite Church. Someone told us they has never seen the kind of miming we did before, using hand motions and very big facial expressions. We presented the following six mimes: God is God, Healing Begins, Good Company, Be Kind to Yourself, and Alpha’s new mime, Who you are. After we finished miming, we had the opportunity to play games with the people. They said they would love to have us again in the future.

Alpha outreach 3/17/19

March 17th team Alpha had an outreach at Red Run Mennonite Church. We had the pleasure of presenting six times along with wearing face paint. Directors Alex and Joseph also spoke explaining the gospel and what it is to us. After the outreach Red Run Mennonite Church invited the team to stay for lunch and fellowship.